Chapter Eight: Lost - Love

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Jess' POV

I come back home at 10 PM, expecting Ashton to be there, but he's not. I don't bother texting him or doing anything for that matter. I just rest in the sitting room, laying down on the sofa, mindlessly staring at the ceiling. Finally, at 11:26 PM according to the clock on my phone, He finally gets here. Without a word, he storms in, go to his bedroom slamming the door behind him. A few minutes later, he comes into the sitting room, having changed into his pyjamas. He sit on the sofa in front of mine, but I'm still looking at the ceiling. I can feel his anger, so I don't dare to look at him. He's not saying anything, and I'm not sure if I should.

More time has passed in this unbearable silence that no one wants to break. Until Ashton throws his phone on the table sliding it my way. I hesitatingly turn to look at him, to see what he just did and why, and that's when I noticed that the screen is lit with a photo of Niall and a headline. I look at Ashton confused, and still not talking, he just nods towards the phone, silently telling me to check it.

I quickly scroll through the article packed with lies and speculations about how I'm cheating on Ashton with Niall, with lots of photos of my outings with him over the last few days. They even wrote that I was seen making out with him, I mean what? We just hugged! I pressed the back button and I saw the Google page full with similar articles, some speculating that Ashton and I are over, others saying I cheated, and others saying even more outrageous things. 

I gently put the phone back on the table, 'You know those are lies... You promised me you won't believe them!'

'I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. You being oblivious to the most obvious details, you platonically hanging out with Niall, or the pictures in front of me.'

'You don't seriously think I'd kiss him in the middle of the streets like that, would you? I mean I'm not that stupid!'

'Oh, so you have kissed! Just not in the middle of the streets! Where then in his house? Is that what you've been doing there all that time? Did you sleep with him too?'

He starts raising his tone so I do the same.

'No Ash! I told you! I do not cheat! No, Niall and I have not kissed!'

'Well, I'm sorry if I don't believe that!'

'Excuse me? I'm your girlfriend! You'd rather believe the lies of the media than your girlfriend? What's wrong with you! Also! I'm the one who should be asking what have you been doing! You weren't supposed to be out today! We were supposed to spend the day together! And when I asked you where are you, you didn't give me a straight answer! So tell me this, Where were you, Irwin?'

'I just couldn't stand being around you. I see you I think about you two together.'

'For the 100th time! There is Nothing between me and Niall! Besides, if you can't stand me why are you still here? If you hate me so much, why are you still with me? You stopped trying 2 weeks ago anyway. Then why are you still with me Ash?'

'Yeah, you'd love it if I just break up with you! You'll be free! You could finally be with Niall! Because you're too selfish and like to pretend you're the better person, that you're the only one who's trying! the only one who actually cares about this relationship! You like playing the victim! You never do anything wrong! It's him who left you, it's me who don't trust you! You never do anything wrong!'

'I always admit it when I make mistakes! I never said I'm perfect, I never said I'm better than anyone else!'

'Jess, I'm done. I can't keep fighting a losing battle. I'm not gonna tell you it's either Me or Niall because I know you'll choose him. So, I'm doing you a favour and I'm letting you go. You can go be with him now.'

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