7.2 - Trial and Error - Help

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Jess' POV

Enjoying a lazy morning on one of Ashton's rare days off is something that I'm definitely going to miss when I go back to London at the end of the week. The phone rings, it's Niall, I think for a moment whether I should take this in another room or talk freely in front of Ash, then I opt for the second choice.

'Hey! What's up?' I ask him.

'Umm... I'm sorry this is at the last moment... but can you come over?'

'Are you okay?'

'Yeah... I just... I don't know. I... It's okay if you can't...'

'Hold on. Hey, babe?'


'Are we doing anything today?' I ask Ashton.

'I was thinking of going out on a date tonight or something? We haven't done those in a while.'

'Yeah, sure why not. But before then?'

'Nothing I guess... Cal is coming over we're just gonna hang out here.'

'Oh okay. So I can go out right?' I ask him hesitantly.

'Is that Niall on the phone? Is he okay?'

'Umm... not sure...'

'Okay. You can go. Just don't be late for tonight.'

'Yeah, yeah. It's noon now, I'll be here around 6, plenty of time to get ready before we go out!'

'Okay. Need me to drive you?'

'Isn't Cal coming over?'

'It's just 10 minutes away.'

'Alright, if you don't mind. Thanks, baby. Hey Niall? Still here? Yeah, I'll be there in 15!'

Niall's POV

When Jess gets here, we settle in the living room. I lay down on one side of the U shaped sofa while she sits on the other side.

'Okay, you didn't bring me here to watch you staring at the telly that's not even on. What's wrong Niall?'

'I can't write songs.'


'I can't! I've been stuck for weeks now. I'm so frustrated and anxious! I was supposed to be done by now. Everything is gonna be delayed because I can't write any good songs!'

'Okay, Niall calm down. It's normal to pass by some drought phases. But you have to know or remember, you're an incredible songwriter. Your first album was an amazing debut album! Better than most debut albums! I mean there isn't a single bad song on it! And the lyrics! The stories behind the songs! It's just so beautiful. You have to believe in yourself again.'

'Maybe that's the problem. I can't top Flicker. Nothing is gonna be that good and everyone is going to be disappointed.'

'Niall! That is so not true! Your fans love you so much and they love everything you do and will always be here for you no matter what! I mean you can release a 4-minute song with just you laughing and they'll never stop listening to that.' 

I laugh at that, then she continues, 'So if it's the fans you're worried about, there's nothing to be worried about.'

'Okay. But it's not just about the fans. I really can't write anything.'

'Maybe you were in a bad place?'

'Well, usually, if I'm in a bad place, music would be my outlet. I write to let the suffocated emotions out. But it didn't work this time.'

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