5.2 - Sunny - Walk

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Jess' POV

Life in LA is much more fast-paced than in London. I've been here for less than a week and I already can see the difference in lifestyle. They work at the studio all day, and then party all night, because there's always an event to go to, a friend to visit. There's always so much happening, or maybe it's just because it's summer. 

Ashton's POV

I call Jessie while I'm on a little break from the studio.

'Good morning baby!'

'Ugh, that was way too loud! Why are you calling?' mutters.

'Someone's hungover!'

'Yeah, whose fault is that! I told you If I was going to that party I wasn't going to drink again.'

'I think we can both agree it was Calum's fault. Anyway, get out of bed, take a shower and get dressed, I'm taking you out.'

'Aren't you at the studio?'

'I'm finishing early today. I told you that yesterday!'

'Yesterday at the party where you and Cal got me drunk? Yeah, no surprise I forgot!'

'Sorry... Anyway, I'll pick you up in an hour.'

'Okay, Bye! See ya!'

After we're done working, I drive back to my house, wait another half hour till Jessie is ready because she insisted that she's not going out with her hair wet and that an hour was so not enough! She's so cute when she's grumpy.

When she's finally ready, we go to the city, strolling around while drinking iced coffee.

'Are you having fun? Is LA too much? Do you want to go back to London?' I ask because I'm just worried about her. When we were in London, I noticed she's not much of a party girl and she only drinks beer and never gets drunk. But here it's different, 'I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring you into doing things you don't want to. I'm really sorry about yesterday. From now on, we'll stay home if you don't want to go.'

'Ash it's fine. There are some events where you have to show up. And I didn't come all the way here to be ditched in a big empty house while you're out, so it's normal that I come with you. And I don't mind it. It's just, in here, a lot happens too fast and it's just taking me more than a couple of days to get used to it. But it's fine. As long as I'm with you, it's worth it.'

'Good!' I take her hand in mine but she lets it go. 'What? What's wrong now?'

'Pap.' She says discreetly pointing to the location of the annoying photographer.

'Yeah, so?'

'So? No PDA! You don't want rumours to go round do you?'

'Baby, they're gonna be talking either way.'

'Yeah but speculations are different than actually confirming it.' She argues.

'It's really not. And the damage is already done anyway. So can I please hold my girlfriend's hand?'


'Why not? What are you worried about?'

'I just don't want certain people to see it.'

'And by certain people you mean Niall. Seriously? I thought we're way past him. But you're still thinking about him.'

'I'm not! It's just, I don't want to flaunt us in his face. I'm not thinking about him, I don't have feelings for him. But he's still at least a friend of a friend. And I promised Liam to do my best not to hurt him. And us doing these little things, holding hand and such, it could get to him and he'll be hurt. He's your friend too! I thought you'd understand this. I thought we're past the point where you constantly worry about him.'

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