3.4 - Summer - Company

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Jess' POV

The days are passing, I'm still hanging out with the boys from 5sos, but I've been trying my best to not be alone with Ash for too long. And thanks to Liam, and for some reason Luke, it has been easy to achieve. I kinda feel like Luke doesn't like me much? Well, no it's not that exactly, he's very nice and everything, and treat me like he treats his friends, but for some reason, he doesn't seem to want me hanging around with Ashton. I don't get it. But I'm afraid to ask why. Who would I ask anyway? The only one I'm close enough to and who would know would be Ashton, and I'm certainly not gonna ask him that.

I'm at home flipping through the channels to find something to watch, when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID before answering, it's Ash.

'Hey, Ash!'

'Hello Jessie, How're you doing?'

'I'm doing great thanks! How are you?'

'Bored out of my mind!'

'Why? Aren't you working?'

'No we have a day off today.'

'Oh, and where are the others?'

'Luke and Cal are out, and Mike is binge watching some series or something. Wanna go out?'

'Hmm... I don't know, I don't really feel like going out.'


'No, sorry I didn't mean with you! I meant like from the flat. I don't feel like going out of the flat.'

'Oh, well, I could always come over...'


'I promise I'll behave! I'll keep my distance. I'm just bored and don't feel like being alone.'

'You're in luck I'm in desperate need for human company.'

'Why where's Liam?'

'I don't know, He hasn't been home in a few days.'

'Did he go on a hunting trip?'

'Oh god, I hope not!' I laugh as he laughs along.

'Why didn't you go out if you didn't feel like being alone?' He asks

'Because if I go out, I'd be alone surrounded by people. It would make me feel more lonely than if I stay at home. I'm not really the kind of person who makes friends wherever they go. I'm more the kind that, someone sees and like and they adopt as their friend.'

'Adopt as their friend?' He laughs, 'Nice. Yeah, I definitely need to come over, you obviously need some company. And who better than me to do it, right?'

'Wow, you really think highly of yourself!' I chuckle.

'I'm just kidding. Need me to pick anything up on the way?'

'Yeah right, like I'm gonna send you grocery shopping cause I'm too lazy to do my own shopping.'

'Hey if it makes you happy, I'd be happy to help.'

'You're not serious!'

'Never been more serious.'

'Alright, I guess you can pick up some ice cream.'

'What, that's it? I thought it would be more like toilet paper rolls and shampoos and stuff like that!'

I laugh, a lot, probably a little more than I should've, 'Just get over here already!'

'Already on my way!'

'You're not driving while talking on the phone are you?'

'Yes, why?'

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