6.3 - Hills - Call

240 10 5

Niall's POV

'Oh, by the way! You didn't tell me how dinner went!' Julia reminds me while we're hanging out at my place.

'Oh my god! It was the most awkward evening I've ever experienced! I mean how do you talk in things like that? It's quite upsetting too because I was close with the both of them. And now what? It vanished? Ashton hates me. He doesn't want me anywhere near Jess. You should've seen how he kept her close to him and kissed her every chance he got to. She was obviously uncomfortable. Because he was just showing off, telling me she's his and not mine. It was so annoying.'

'So... What? You're just gonna give up? Leave them alone?'

'I don't know. I really don't want to lose her again. When we were alone in the coffee shop it wasn't as awkward as last night. He's the one complicating it. I just want to be friends with her. It's not like I'm planning on stealing her away from him.'


'What? I'm not. I just want to hang out with her, like before. Just talk, laugh, sing. I miss making her laugh, I miss seeing how happy she gets when she makes me laugh. I miss eating with her, cause she doesn't share food with anyone else but me. Well, she probably lets him though. I don't know. Julia, I'm so confused! I love her so much! But if she's happy with Ashton, I really don't want to mess it up. But at the same time, I don't want her out of my life ever again. Even if it's just as friends.'

'But maybe, you and her being friends is creating problems between them. How would you feel if they broke up because of you.'

'Bad I guess... Guilty... It would be as if I'm the one hurting her again and not him.'


'I don't know what to do Jules.'

'Call Louis. Ask for his advice.'

I get my phone and call him and after catching him up with the news, I wait for his advice.

'Mate, I don't know what to tell you. You know how much I'd love to see you two together. But when they were in London I saw them they were really happy and it's not something to mess with. I understand that he's uncomfortable with you around. But if your speculations are right he is controlling her... I hate to say it, but it's not gonna last. I doubt that's the case though because Jess isn't the kind of person who lets someone control her like that. I don't want to go behind Ashton's back, but we need to know. Try to see her without him. Where are you now?'

'I'm at home with Jules.'

'Great! Call her. See if she's free, invite her over.'

'But... '

'No buts Niall. You have nothing to lose.'

'Yes, I do. I have her to lose.'

'You're not gonna lose her. Trust me. Just call her.'

'Alright, thanks mate. Bye'

Jess' POV

'Niall? Is everything okay?'

'Yeah, why wouldn't it be?'

'I don't know... you're calling not texting. Guess I forgot how often you used to do that back in London. What's up?'

'I was wondering if you want to come over? We could hang out.'

'I don't know Niall...'

'Julia's here.'

'Oh. I'll ask Ashton and get back to you.'

'Are you asking him for permission or is he coming along?' He asks.

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