Chapter 2: The Mysterious Girl

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No one's POV
After Yumi, Lily and Paris arrived infront of Yumi's house, Lily said goodbye and went home. Paris turned into his Puppet form. Yumi grabbed him and then went upstairs into her room. After that, she placed Paris on a table next to her bed.
Yumi's POV
"You couldn't sleep last night at all, because of this. I am deeply sorry." "I-it's alright!" "Try to get some rest. You're probably very tired." "You're right...I should... ." I laid down and soon fell asleep.
-Yumi's dream-
I woke up in the middle of the streets. It looked like it was night. I couldn't see very much, since it was very dark. But suddenly, the ground shaked. I turned around and saw two big dark, quadrangular shadows, that were jumping up and down. Every time they landed on the ground, the floor started to shake. I turned to the other direction and ran as fast as I could. I ran and ran, tried to be faster and always looking behind me, but then I tripped and fell. The big, box-like-looking thing jumped on me. Luckily it was hollow, then the second box jumped on the box, that captured me. The box above me slowly moved down to crush me. Suddenly I heard a voice ask: "What is x - x ?" "U-um...I-it's...-x..!" "Correct." The Box that was going to crush me moved up a bit. "What is x • x ?", the voice asked again. ,,U-um...ah...x..?.." "W r o n g." Then the Box above me went down quicker.
"What is x : x ?" "...x...?" "W r o n g." I looked up and the box or block fell down, and crushed me.
-Dream ended-
I immediately opened my eyes. "Paris!", I screamed. "Is everything alright? You look quite intrusive." "I...I had...another of my nightmares..!" "What was it about?" "There..there were two gigantic blocks! One captured me and questioned me math tasks! A-and the other one was above it and crushed me, if I was wrong!" "Oh, goddess! Not those! There very deadly and could kill a person! Where did you see it?" "I-in the middle of the streets! That's where I at least saw it in my dream..." "Calm down. You don't have to come with me this time. I can handle this myself. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you."
,,R-really...?" "Yes." "O-okay...when will you start?" "Tonight." "Be careful then." "Worrying about me? Such a strange child."

•That night•

No one's POV
Yumi already laid in her bed. Paris just opened the Window and was just about to jump out. "W-wait..", Yumi said loud enough, that Paris could hear her. But quiet enough, that Atsuko and Nora didn't. "Yes?" " careful..." "Do not worry. I will be alright.", Paris said with a calm voice. "Okay... ." Then he jumped out. Yumi went to the open window and watch him go. Then she went back to her bed, hoping Paris will be Alright.

Paris' POV
I was just walking, with a hood on on the streets, so people wouldn't be scared when they see me. I still wonder...that [P/M/D] really looked like really looked like one of that fool's creation's...but... I never saw it before... normally, I would know every single one of his failures...but...why don't I know her? I stopped thinking, as I sensed the ground moving a bit. I turned around and saw those stupid old, big blocks. They were suppose to be used to play, but instead they force Children to learn. If the children they captured said something will crush them to death. But they got bigger than before. Usually when they started to capture children, they were just a bit bigger than me. Now they are that big, that they could capture all the children from an entire school. I looked around. No one was there. These kind of toys only come out, if there is only one person on the empty streets. I took my knife ready and waited till it came close enough to slice it up. And when I did slice one of those big blocks, there were two half's. I just wanted to halve the other one, as a big block jumped on me, succeeding to capture me. Unfortunately as it jumped on me, it didn't capture my knife with me. So I didn't had my knife. How could that Block capture me? I sliced it into two half's. And it couldn't be the other one. These toys only work this way: One block captures and ask's questions, while the other one slowly comes down to crush the person, that is captured, if it says something wrong. I'm glad, that the fool only created two of those blocks.
"What is x • x ?", the one block asked. I guess, I just have to play along, till I have found a way to get out of it. "x." "Correct." "What is xxx : xx ?" "x." "Correct." This is tiring me, but how do I get out, without my knife?
"What is x + x ?" ,,xx." "Correct." How can I get out? I can't stay in this thing forever... . "What is xxxxxx : xxxxx ?" "Ugh... it's xxx." "Correct." As I started to lose hope, something sliced the Block in which I was up. I quickly jumped through the cut. Now I saw how that thing could capture me, even though I sliced him to two half's. Both half's turned to two complete blocks. I then turned around to see the person who rescued me. I couldn't recognize the person, because it was wearing a big hood and it was too dark to recognize anything. "Looking for this?", the mysterious person said and held my knife out to me. The voice sounded like it belonged to a girl. I then took the knife. "Shall we destroy them together?", she asked. "It would be my pleasure." We both ran over to those blocks and sliced every single peace of them to shreds. But they didn't multiplied themselves this time, what was very odd. The mysterious girl was just about to leave, as I grabbed her hand. "Please, would you mind telling me your name?" "Oh, my deepest apologies. Forgive me for my rudeness. I am [Y/N] the [P/M/D]." "Pleasure to meet you. I am Paris the Puppet.", I said, then knelt down and kissed her hand. I could see, she was wearing a red glove. "I am really sorry, but I must leave now.", she said and took her hand back. "I'm looking forward to see you again." "Likewise.",she said before she left.

[End of Chapter two]

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