Chapter 12: End Of The Dream Catcher | Part 2

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No one's POV
The sun is setting at the minute. A boy and a girl are standing in front of a Picknick, with sharp knives in their hands, glaring at two Persons, who were standing in the shadow of the forest. Both their eyes were glowing purple. Even though Paris and [Y/N] were glaring at them, they were yet smiling at the same time. "So you intend to kill us?" "Isn't that the obvious?" "And how are you planning to do that?" "You don't own my body anymore. And those two humans are not a match for us." "That may be true, but...these meaningless bodies now have my strength too..." "How about, we'll stop talking and just start this little battle?" "I can't wait to get your body back!" "Not even in your dreams." The possessed woman, called Atsuko started to ran over to them. Nora started to come later too. ,,Shall we start this?" "But of course." Atsuko almost reached [Y/N]. She could almost even touch her, but you were faster. It took less than a second and slash! Off was the chain. The possessed body was freed. Her eyes stopped glowing purple and turned sky blue again. But only seconds after she was freed, she collapsed right in front of them. "Strength you say? You're even slower than years ago." "Don't start prying! I still have this little slave left!" "You're willing to use your last chance to escape? You really are a fool.", the girl said with a bright grin on her face. "Don't get too cocky!" It managed to caught her of guard and jumped right to her, ready to attack her from the front, as long as she's distracted. She really did not see it coming and it maybe really could've stole her body again, but Paris was faster. With one little movement...the chain was destroyed. "NoooOoO! You bastard! You'll pay!" "I don't think so." Nora's eyes turned back blue too. But since the dream catcher spirit make Nora attempt to attack [Y/N], Nora landed on you unconsciously, making you both fall to the ground. You did not feel anything. "I guess, we'll have to go home now." "Why?" "We have to carry them back, before they wake up and see us." "Right.." First, the two of you put your hoods back on, of course. Then Paris took Nora and you Atsuko and you both walked home, carrying them. You talked all the way till you arrived. You smiled. Paris smiled. Everyone who'd look at the both of you would see, that you're in a good mood. You ringed the bell. A girl in green, named Iris opened the door. "Hey! How was your date-...Atsuko? Nora?" "Well, thanks for this funny setup. We did had fun, but then the dream catcher came." "What?! He's still alive?!" "Could we come in first?" "Wha? Of course! Come." Paris let you step in first. You walked inside and laid Atsuko on the couch. Paris came after you and laid Nora on an armchair. Then the both of you sat on a free couch together. "So what happened? Is the dream catcher really still alive?" "Of course not anymore." "So it's gone? Gone for good?" "Yes." "Well, that's a relief! So...what now?" "I suggest, you go back home. Since the danger is gone, you can return home safely." "I guess?" Then Lily came the stairs down. Followed by Yumi and the phantom twins. "Oi, Paris! You're bake early!" "Yes. I am. Since you're here to, we could go now." "Whaaaat? Already?" "Do you still have something to do?" "" "Then let's go." Lily grabbed her sisters hand and dragged her behind a wall. "What now?" "Isn't it way to early to say goodbye??" "What do you mean?" "I mean, Paris and [Y/N]!" "Huh?" "They haven't hang out that much and now they'll part!" "So? It's not like, they'll never see each other again." "Well yeah...but it's still too early!" "What are you planning?" "Well...I have no plan yet.." "Then why did you drag me here?!" Yumi then called: "Lily! Iris! We're..going now..!" Lily then jumped from behind the wall and shouted: "W-wait! We..uh..we still have to do something!" "R-really?", the little girl replied. "Yeah...Really?", her sister asked. "Yeah!" "And what haven't you finished yet?" " didn't mean it like that!" "What then?" "I-I meant it's already dark outside! We shouldn't get outside this late!" Everyone at the moment then looked outside of the window. "You are right about that, but Yumi's parents still have to get home. We can't let them wake up here." " about you two get them back?" "What do you mean?" "Well, we aren't good at fighting, so you two should get them back. You guys are also faster than us." "She does have a point.", Paris said. "We'll get the children to bed. Now go. Before they wake up!" "Alright." Paris and you took them on your back again and jumped from the roof to the next to get them home, since you didn't wanted to be noticed by anyone. "I have to say, this day was quite full of exercise." "I agree. It's been a while, since this happened." You two then arrived at the house. Paris showed you around the house and brought you to the bedroom of Yumi's parents. You laid them down on the bed and the left the room. "You've found a nice Place to live in." "Yes, it's a nice house. We should better be going now." "Yes, we wouldn't want to get caught." Both of you then left the house and were on your way back. It was a peaceful night. The full moon was shining bright and the stars were sparkling in the sky. Only a few lights were still on on the streets. ,,What a beautiful Night." ,,Yes." ,,Let's enjoy this moment for a little while."

You two got back after a while

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You two got back after a while. You weren't tired, so you sat on the couch together and read. But then you heard steps running down the stairs. Yumi was rushing to you. "Is something the matter, Yumi?" "P-Paris! [Y/N]! I've had a nightmare again!" 

[End of Chapter 12|Part2]

Hi! It's CuteRosaYT!

Sorry, that this chapter came so late! I've been a bit busy!

But I finally got this chapter done for you too!

Hope it's alright! (And not too boring!)

I tried my best on the picture! Hopefully it looks good too!

Please leave a vote and a comment!
And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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