Chapter 17: End Of The Hypno-Doll

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[Y/N]'s POV
I just took one step, but hit my foot on the table accidentally. Oh no...
I, of course, didn't feel any pain, but the whole army must've noticed me, since they stopped trying to open that closet and just starred at me. This isn't good.. Now my only option is to run! I can't fight as long as I carry Alex! I must hide him, before it's too late!

Paris's POV
As [Y/N] took the Phantom Twin back to the House, I tried my best to hold this oversized doll to get close to the house, but I can't shake of that feeling that Yumi's in a dangerous situation right now... I'll have to check, but I can't just leave this doll- *Dodge* alone! [Y/N] hopefully gets back quickly! "Let me guess, you're worrying about your little girl, aren't you??" "None of your business!" "I'm gonna take that as a yes. Well, you have any reason to! My army is already there to catch here!" "What???" Whatever [Y/N] is doing right now...I hope that she could get everyone to safety!

[Y/N]'s POV
I somehow have to get that army away from the house! But how?? First things first. I have to get Alex out of this situation! I started running faster and eventually lost them, but they unfortunately are still in this building. Maybe I go back to the closet, before they see me. I managed to get there without them noticing me. Are Yumi and Alice still in there? I started knocking on the closet's door. "Shhh! They must be back! Don't say anything!", I heard Alice whisper. "Alice, Yumi. It's me. [Y/N]!" "[Y/N]?? Thank goodness! Are they still there?" "Well, not in front of this closet, but still in this house." "Oh god!" "Please, open up, so I can hide Alex in there with you." "Alright..." The door slowly creaked open and i saw Yumi and Alice trembling in a dark closet. "Here.", I said, while putting Alex slowly between them into the closet. "When will this nightmare and..?" "Don't worry, Alice, it'll end pretty soon." "A-Alright.." The door slowly closed again. Now I somehow have to make sure that army won't come any closer. I know. I'll just trap them in the basement." I first looked around, if I had any luck to find those hypnotized people. They were standing in the third floor for some reason. "Hello! Don't you want to catch me?" They all turned around and then ran at my direction. I let them chase me till we entered the basement, then managed to get out and quickly locked the door. That's finally done. Now, I have to help Paris!

Paris' POV
"What do you mean..? [Y/N] wouldn't let them get hurt!" "How are you so sure? Maybe they're chasing her right now too! What would you do, if she was already caught and part of my army??? Hm???~" "Probably still trying to cut that grin off your hideous face." I turned around. "Huh??? How did you escape from my army so fast???? And where's that little boy you were trying to protect??? Aren't you suppose to protecting those dumb kids from my army???" "Well, yes, but that's all already been taking care of. Now it's your turn." "[Y/N]. Glad you are alright." "Likewise." "Now, let's get rid of this oversized plastic trash." "Right." That doll couldn't fight both of us, so while it was busy trying to hit one of us, the other one cut another piece off of her. Until only her head was left. "Well, This was quite amusing." "Time to end your little show." "Wait! No! I'll do anything! I don't want to disappear from this world!" "Too late." She sliced the head into two half's and every part of that doll started to shrink to the size of a normal doll. "Finally done." "This took way too long.." "Look. It's getting brighter again." "We should probably free the people, I trapped in the basement." "Right. I'm just going to get the children." "Alright." We walked back to the house and jumped through the window inside. There was a closet door, I opened and saw them sleeping safe and sound. I woke Yumi up and [Y/N] woke Alice and Alice up.

[Y/N]'s POV
"Alice..Alex..could you two get the people out of your basement? Me and Paris can't, since we would frighten them." "Okay, [Y/N] the way..." "Yes, Alice?" "I'm...glad, you're alright.." "How sweet." The children went down followed by me and Paris with a big distant behind them. As soon as they opened the door, Iris and Lily walked out and hugged them. Then Iris saw us and walked over to us with a smile. "We'll take care of everything here for you. Why don't you guys go out on a date or something? You guys must be more stressed out than we are." Before I could even answer, Paris answered for us already. "Thanks. How thoughtful of you. We'd happily take this opportunity for a date." "Really?" "Is there a problem?" "No... I just didn't thought, you of all people would say that. Oh well. Have fun." She said and walked back to the others. "Paris-" "Come. Let's go out for our date." And I felt this sudden heat in my face again, every time he said 'date'. What a strange feeling.. He held out his hand for me and I, of course, took it. And We walked the stairs up and also the way home together. Since it's bright daylight outside, we had to wear hoods. We then went out. I was wondering where Paris was leading me, since he only let go of my hand, when he had to. We surprisingly ended up in the forest, where our first unintentionally date occurred. I wonder what we were supposed to do here..

[End of Chapter 17]


It's been a while..

A big Thanks for anyone who still waited and had patience with this story!

I don't really have any motivation...

That's also the reason, why I didn't drew a picture...

Well, thanks for reading anyway and please leave a...
...comment (motivation)


...a vote!


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