Chapter 15: The Terrifying Dream

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Yumi's POV
It's dark...All I see is black...Where am I? I feel movements, but I can't see anything. My body feels weak too. It hurts. What is going on? I hear...voices...Who's voices? I can't understand them. I feel...really weak..but I managed to opened my eyes. "Paris..?" "Yumi!" Paris was sitting next to me, while I laid somewhere. "Where are we?" "It's a house the Phantom's own and use for vacations." "[Y/N]?" "I see you're awake, Yumi. I can't say the same for Alice." "What about Alice?" "She's still unconscious.." "What happened?" "Did you forget?", Paris asked, while turning his head back to me. "Yes..." "Lily and Iris-" "Wait.." "Do you remember now?" "..." ,,Yumi?" "I do.." "We should be save here, but not for long. Alex was hypnotized too and he's also one of the phantom's, so he should be aware of this house." "What do you suggest us to do now?" "I don't know, Paris.." "Can you stand up, Yumi?", Paris asked. I tried to move, but I felt way too weak to do anything. "You don't have to. Just lay down and rest." "Okay.." I then just fell asleep.

•Yumi's Nightmare starts•

I opened my eyes. It was dark. What time is it? "Hehehe..." S-someone just giggled..and it wasn't very cute... I stood up. Wait...Where are Paris and [Y/N]? I'm in the same room. Even the same house, but it was night and I can't seem to find Paris or [Y/N].. "Y-Yumi...? Is that you?" "Who said that?!" I turned around. "Alice?" "It is you!", she said and ran over to hug me. "I don't know what is going on, but I heard giggling and laughing the intire time! Yumi...What is going on..?" "I-I don't know! Have you seen [Y/N] or Paris?" "N-no..." We suddenly heard a sound of a something made of iron slashing against something else, I couldn't identify. "W-What was that..?" "I..I don't know, Alice.." There was a Window next to us. I looked outside, while Alice was still hugging me out of fear. [Y/N] and Paris were fighting outside...against that doll.. "" I suddenly heard a few voices say that. "Alice! We have to hide!" "But where..?" I grabbed her arm and we both ran in one direction. We later ended up in a closet. " To...get...the kids..." I heard steps..a lot of steps...and they were getting louder and louder... The closet door was slowly opening..

•Nightmare over•

I opened my eyes. "Yumi! You're finally awake!", Paris said. "Are you Alright?"

(A few minutes earlier)

Paris' POV
"Y-Yumi? Is that you?" "Is Alice sleep-talking?", I asked [Y/N]. "It seems like that. She must've seen Yumi in her dream." "Who said that?!" " Yumi sleep-talking too?", she asked. "Yes...this never happened before.." "Neither has Alice ever sleep-talked before.." "Really?" "Alice?" " Yumi seeing Alice in her dream...?" "But Yumi can see the future in her dreams...or rather..nightmares..." "What..? Could this mean...they're having the same dream right now...and this dream is a nightmare of the future...?" "It..seems..." "It is you!", Alice shouted suddenly. "What?", I whispered. "I don't know what is going on, but I heard giggling and laughing the entire time! Yumi...What is going on..?" "Paris. We should keep quiet. Maybe we could hear more about the future-nightmare." "Agreed." "I-I don't know, but have you seen [Y/N] and Paris?" "N-no..." Interesting. It seems we're not there in this dream.. "W-What was that..?" "I..I don't know, Alice.." There must've be something happening. "Alice! We must hide!" "But where..?" Yumi was suddenly shaking, while Alice was already quietly crying. "I think, now it's time to wake them up." "It's for the better, I hope.." I started to shake Yumi and say her name multiple times, until she finally woke up. "Yumi. You're finally awake! Are you alright?" "I...think...I am...but..Alice! Where is she??" "She's right here, Yumi..." "[Y/N]!" "But...she hasn't woken up yet..." "What...? Does this mean, she's still...there..?"Where? Yumi. Tell us where you were.." "We...we were in the same house...this vacation house, but it was dark and you two weren't with us anymore...and..and....." Yumi started crying. It must've been very terrifying...but does this really mean that the other girl is still in that nightmare trapped? "Wait... , so are you implying that Alice is still in that Nightmare?", [Y/N] asked. "Y-yes...I" After Yumi said that, [Y/N] immediately started shaking Alice and calling her name out loud. Alice did wake up after some time, but she was shivering and crying. "That was the...the most terrifying dream in my...entire life..." "Alice, are you alright? Was it too traumatizing?" "I...think...I..I..that I am...okay still was...soo scary...and Yumi suddenly fainted...and they...they looked"

"Who? Alice

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"Who? Alice. Tell me. Who?" "So...scary...they looked at me like that...and...they were...all in front of me...and..and.." "Alice! Calm down and tell me.", [Y/N] said, but Alice still trembled and cried. "I...I could tell", Yumi stuttered. "Thanks, Yumi. That would help a lot.", [Y/N] said and smiled. "There...was that doll two were fighting against it outside...and well..that doll was somehow bigger..." "It can get bigger..?" "I've never heard of that before..was there something else, Yumi?" "Um...Alice and I heard steps...many steps and people whispering...I think, they whispered about getting and Alice.." "They must've been her two should and Paris will find a way to get through this.", [Y/N] said. "O-okay..."

[End of Chapter 15]

Well, hello there!

After such a long time, here is finally a new chapter!

I am sorry, that there wasn't one in the past

The thing is, I didn't had any idea about what could happen next, so I needed some time to think and I was pretty lazy.

Even if this chapter is long enough, I'm pretty sure it was boring. But that's how every story, once in a while is.

Don't expect me to not be lazy starting today. It's just the way I am.

Also, sorry that I didn't draw Paris! I know, you'd rather see Paris than Alice, but he just can't always be in a chapter.

I did got better in drawing Alice though.

I hope you liked it!

Please leave a vote and a comment!
And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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