Chapter 13: She

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Paris's POV
"Another nightmare?", [Y/N] asked. "What was it about?" "I'm...i'm not sure...b-but I think, it was about a princess..!" "A princess..?!", [Y/N] stuttered. "Do you know the Princess..?" "...Yes...that idiotic fool made a doll, which looked like a princess. Doll's were made to play with style control them. But this Doll controls you. Like you were the doll and she the master." "Just like that dream catcher..?!" "No..far cannot just chop a chain off, this time. She will be deep in your mind...she's also not nearly as dumb as those toys before." "B-but she'll only use her victims, r-right? She won't kill them....right?" "No...she also kills them, if there useless to her..." "W-what..?" "How could that fool loose even her? I put her in an extra save box. He really must've been stupid.." "I agree." "A-and what are we going to do now..?" "I suggest, that no one should leave this house." "But we need food too!" Everyone looked across the room. Lily was standing on the stairs in a green Pyjama. "I had already guessed, that someone was eavesdropping on us. I should've known, it was you." "Don't change the topic, Paris! If we can't go out, how are we suppose to get food?!" "Now, now. Calm down-" "Calm down, he says, are you even listening to me?!" "I could ask the same thing." "Fine! I listen! What is your solution?!" "[Y/N] and I could go buy the food, if you're that desperate." "Excuse me?!" "H-hey..g-guys..! Stop fighting...! This wouldn't get us any further..!" "By the way. We all should sleep in the same room, just in case that doll would ever come here." "Yeah, that sounds reasonable." "Let's go upstairs. We should start watching them." "Agreed." We all went upstairs and got them all in on bedroom. Lily, Iris, Yumi and the Phantom Twins were sleeping save and sound in the same bed. There were two nightstands on the left and on the right side of the bed, on which [Y/N] and I were sitting in our smaller form. Everything seemed alright, but [Y/N] seemed a little worried.

 Everything seemed alright, but [Y/N] seemed a little worried

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[Y/N]'s POV
It's been a long time, since she came back. But a doll like her is even creepier than me. Her face was like a crazy woman, who wanted more than 100 plastic surgery's. She even looked too terrifying for a kid to buy. Only a sadistic horror-lover would want to buy her.

"You'll never get me! I will get an army! You'll never get me into that box again!" "Let's wait and see." "You say that, like you already excepted that you're lost! That's right! Someone as ugly as you could never win anything!" "You're rather creepy than pretty. Let's just finish this." "Bring it on!"
"Noooooooo! How could someone soooo ugly be so strong!" "Now go back in that box!" And I hope, I'll never see you again.
Flashback over

It's been a while. I really don't know, how you could've escaped that box, but I guess, it's up to me again to clean this mess. You're a real fool, Ivan. I locked out of the window and froze for a moment. She was right there. She looked from outside the window right into this room. It surprised me. Humans would call her creepy, if they saw her. I don't really know that feeling, but I do understand, how humans think of this. "Hello...old friend...why don't you join my army...?", she said with a creepy voice. I could sense more people outside. I guess, she already started. Luckily, Yumi warned us about her, or she'd be part of her army. I looked over to Paris and gave him a signal to come over to me. He quickly jumped over the bed and was now sitting next to me. "You saw her too, right?" "Indeed. Shall we end it now?" "No. If we go out now, everyone else in here has no protection. She'll leave when the sun rises." "Alright." She still looked from outside the window inside this room with her creeping eyes wide open and her bright smile. She looked like she was blood-thirsty or anything like that. "Won't she come inside?", Paris asked. "No. She may look strong, but she has very weak arms. Don't look into her eyes too long. You wouldn't want to be part of her army, would you?" "I don't." To prevents anyone from being hypnotized, I closed the curtains, making it impossible to see her. After a bit of time, the sun was finally there. I opened the curtains. She was gone. She could never stand the sunlight. She even hated it. Everyone was about to wake up. Because that doll was now here, Paris and I had to watch everyone intensively. So we hadn't got even a minute for us together. It was hard and we both knew, that we somehow had to stop that doll. But how were we suppose to fight her, without protecting the others? Finally, the day was over. Everyone got back in the same bedroom and slept. She was outside the window again too. "Won't you come out? Why so shy? I don't remember you this way...have you grown weak..?", she said with the same face expression, like yesterday. She was right...I once worked efficiently and could've catches her without hesitation, but things have changed. I now have people, that are dear to me. I now how people, I need to protect. I now have Paris, who I don't want to loose. Here words worried me. But before I could've even think more about it, Paris closed the curtains. "That's enough of that mouth. Don't listen to her. You are stronger than her and you know it. Just because you have us, doesn't mean that you've turned weak! You're the strongest person, I've ever seen." "Thank you, Paris....for everything.."

[End of Chapter 13]

Hey, guys! It's

Sorry, about the picture! I somehow can't draw right now, but I managed to make that sketch! Hope it's okay!

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