Chapter 12: A Day Full Of Surprises | Part 1

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Lily's POV
I ran into the forest with a big basket. I placed a large blanket on a sunny Side of this forest. Just a blanket and a basket looks a bit cheap..maybe I could take the food out already. It's pretty warm today, so just the perfect day for a date! I decorated the blanket with delicious snacks, like sandwiches or cookies. Then I ran behind a tree.

Iris' POV
"[Y/N]!" "Yes. Come in." "I have a big surprise! Come with me!" "Um...I don't really i'm i the mood for surprises.." "Aw, come on! I really tried so hard to make it good! Please?" "Um...if I really have to..." "Great! Then first, you have to change!" "But I don't have-" "Don't worry! I already got you something! Here!" I gave her a bag with some clothes. "Change quick Please, Okay?" "Alright..?" I waited outside of her room. "Is this really okay?" I turned around. "Of course! You look Great!" "Thank you." "Here." I gave her a black hood, to cover her little scary 'killer puppet' look. She put it on quickly, then I grabbed her hand and as soon as we went outside, I gave her a blindfold. "Iris? Why did you put this on me?" "To make the surprise better!" "What?" "Just wait and see. I walked her to the forest, right infront of Lily. "[Y/N], Could you wait here with Lily for a bit?" "Sure." Lily should watch [Y/N] until Paris came. I stormed back to the house, where Paris was. Looks like he's reading a book or something. "Yo, Paris!" "Is there something, you need?" "I need to show you something." "And what exactly?" "It's a surprise." ,,I don't really like ." "Trust me, you're gonna like this one!" "Fine. Since I'm not busy." "Here's your hood." "Thanks." "Also, would you mind, wearing this?" "A blindfold?" "Yeah." "Let me guess, to make the surprise even better." "Correct!" "I'll just get this over with." He took the blindfold on and I showed him the way to the forest. As soon as Paris was in front of the Picknick place, I took the blindfold off. "This is your surprise? A Picknick?" "Don't worry. It's only half of the surprise! Wait here!" I then ran off, but just a few inches, behind a tree. I called Lily. "Ready?" "Yes." "Alright." But before I waked away, I took his Hood.

[Y/N]'s POV
"[Y/N]. I'll take your blindfold off, but please leave your eyes shut and walk 14 steps in the direction I'll show you and then open your eyes, okay?" "Alright, but what kind of surprise is this? This really does feels complicated." "Don't worry. This surprise is just what you need." "Okay..?" I think, she took my hood off. After that she showed me the right direction and then whispered: "Go!" I just moved 14 steps and as I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe it. Paris was sitting right there, in Front of that beautiful Picknick. "Paris..?" ,,[Y/N]..."

I didn't really expected this

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I didn't really expected this. I think, this was a mistake.. "I'm sorry.. I need to go now-" He grabbed my arm. "Please..stay.." Should I? I turned around, to look them into the face. "It wouldn't hurt.." That was true, I guess, it would be rude to leave now. "Alright." I sat down. "Did you make this Picknick?" "No... I did not.." "So the twins did this...that was really thoughtful of them...but...we can't eat.." "True. That was very kind of them...but you're right. We can't." "That really was truly stupid. How could they forget?" "I don't know." We both started to laugh. It broke the ice between us and I started to feel comfortable around him again. We started to talk about all sorts of things. It was really nice, like this.

Lily's POV
"Crap! How could I forget that one important thing!" I really was not thinking, about what I was doing back there... My phone rang. "Hello?" ,,Our plan worked! The're actually enjoying this little 'date'!" "Really?" "Just look at them!" I turned around a glanced behind the tree, where I was hiding. "That was really great back then and.." "Wow! You're right! [Y/N] talks to him again, as if nothing ever happened!" "That's great!" "Do you think, we should leave them alone now?" "Yeah, it's for the best!" "Okay." I hung up and then quickly sneaked away from the forest, back to the house. I met Iris there and we both just chilled the rest of the day.

Paris' POV
[Y/N] speaks freely again. I already feared, she was ignoring me..or was she really...? That can't be... "Um...[Y/N]... I want to ask you one question..." ,,Sure thing!" "Were you ignoring me?" "I...I...was.." "Why..?" "I was flustered and confused! Nothing to worry about!" "If that is so...are you still flustered?" "No, I don't think so... I'm myself again." "That's good.." "What is-" I stood up and walked over to her, then sat next to her and touched her cheek, while my face came closer to her's. "Wha...what are" "[Y/N]... I wanted to ask you this one question..." "Go ahead...i'm listening.." "Would you-" "Well, well, well...we meet have you two been...? It has been quite a time..." We turned around to the darker side of the forest. "This voice..." "It can't be.." "Oh? You still remember me? That is good. Because my voice will be the last voice, you'll every hear again!" "It''s the dream catcher!" "How could we forget this?!" He can always switch his soul into one of his mind-controlled-slaves. We forgot to rescue Yumi's parents from that dream catcher! That's how he kept himself alive! "Don't you have any last words?" We both stood up and took our knifes out. What a day full of  surprises.

[End of Chapter 12|Part 1]

Hey there!

Here is the next chapter!

The beautiful cover of this chapter was drawn by an great artist! YuniSuijin !

You guys should totally check out her art too!

And also thanks for the picture again, YuniSuijin!
I appreciate it!

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