Chapter 20: Dolls And Ribbons

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[Y/N]'s POV
It's already the next day. The day where the Phantoms are going to visit another toy shop to buy another toy. From what I've heard, the toys all look very old. Maybe some of that fool's creations are part of that shop.. "[Y/N]?", Alice asked while she was changing her clothes. "Yes? What is it?" "Will you come with us?" "Of course, I will. It might be dangerous." "That's a relief." Alice turned around, when she was done changing and smiled at me. She then picked me up from the table. Since I was still in my small [P/M/D] form, so that the twin's parents wouldn't notice me. Alice held me tight as she was about to walk out of the room. "Um...[Y/N]..?" Alice turned with me in her hands. Alex seemed like he wanted to ask something. "Is something the matter, Alex?" "Yes...uh.. I-I...wanted to't we ask Yumi and Paris to come?" "We could, but this doesn't really concern them much. We wouldn't want to trouble him with small things like this, right?" "Y-You're right..sorry for asking..." "No, it's fine." Alice turned around again and opened the door. They just finished changing clothes, so next would be breakfast with the entire family together, I suppose.

Alice's hands started to get a bit sweaty. They must be nervous to have breakfast with their parents again. It's been a while after all. I could hear Alex walking out of the room after Alice and him, closing the door. He then quickly sprinted next to her, while also seeming to be on edge. These children are really a little bit too shy and nervous already usually. Is it because their parents didn't have the time to spent with their children? The twins walked down the stairs. You could hear their mother hum in the kitchen, with frying sounds in the background.

"Mum's cooking...I haven't smelled those pancakes in a while...", Alex said while he smiled nervously. "Yeah.." It seems that Alice let her hands loosen up a little after smelling her mother's homemade pancakes. "You can go right ahead. No need to go this slow for me." "A-alright, [Y/N]..!", Alice said. Both then ran the stairs down like crazy, then jumping into the kitchen. "Morning, my little bun-bun's!", Mrs. Phantom yelled. "Good morning, mum!", both said. "You ready for our little trip today??" "Yes, mum!" "Good! Then eat up first! You need all the energy you can get!"

We are in their car right now. Mr. Phantom is driving, his wife next to him and the twins at the back. Alice, who is sitting at the right, held me tightly, making sure that I won't fall. I could feel her stare, even though I didn't turn around. Alex, who is sitting on the left, is looking out of the window. It must look interesting, to see the town in a while for them. Since they mostly always either stay at home or go out, feeling too tense and frightened to enjoy any scenery for specific reasons.

"We're here, kids.", Mr. Phantom said. "Ah! The shop that we've seen yesterday! It's so beautiful, right?" It looked rather old and creepy than beautiful, but I admit, that it seems very clean. "Let's get inside!", she yelled. Both parents entered and the twins right after them.

Paris' POV
"Paris...what are we doing on a roof..?" "I'm sorry, Yumi. Are you uncomfortable on high places?" "I-It's not that! Well, I am a bit uncomfortable..b-but..that isn't what I meant..! I just wanted to know why we are here...!" "I've heard that the Phantom family would be going to an interesting toy house today. I thought, that it might be better to keep an eye out for them, in case something really happens." "R-Right..but don't they have [Y/N] with them?" "Well, it's also my responsibility to throw the rubbish, of that imbecile back to where it belongs. [Y/N] may have the same responsibilities, but it doesn't mean that I could just leave everything to her." "Now I're worried, right?" "Is that really all you've understood from what I've just said?" "Yeah!" "Well, I'll just leave it like that then." I turned around and continued to observe the Phantom family and the store.

[Y/N]'s POV
This store was exactly what it seemed like from the outside already. From creepy toys and dolls to old and Lolita-looking dresses and wigs. And everything was cleaned and sorted neatly, without a single dust grain. I am quite amazed that a human could keep anything this clean.

"Welcome to Dolls And Ribbons! My name is Cassie. How may I help you?" A pale girl with open, light purple hair, a huge, black ribbon on top, in a white and frilly shirt, a black skirt with a big ribbon at the back and long lashes, in the color of her hair color was standing there, smiling. She had a fancy black name tag on her chest with white patterns, which had Cassie printed on it. she doesn't seem to open her eyes at all. "Why, good morning, Cassie! How are you today?" "I'm fine. Thank you for asking, Miss. May I help you?" "Honey, I told you not to be too friendly with strangers. The kids might think that you're friends." "What's so bad about that idea, Sweetie?" Mrs. Phantom has always been filled with happiness and confidence. She almost doesn't seem to have a shred of shame and is over-optimistic. "So, Cassie. Could you find a good toy, that would suit my son over here well?" "But of course! Please follow me into the toy isle." "Come on, kids! Let's take a look at what they have to offer!" "Yes, mum.", both twins answered. "May I ask how many products of us you'd like to buy?" "Well, I first only planned to buy something for my son, but now, I want to look around to maybe buy something for myself as well! Ah! Right! Alicia, do you want anything?" "No,[Y/N] is more than enough for me...thank you though, mum." "Aw! You're so cute! But be sure to tell me, if you want anything else!" "Yes, mum." "So, you want a new toy, little boy? What's you name?", Cassie asked, while going down a bit. "...Alex." "Adorable name! So, what do you think of this one?"

[End of Chapter 20]


Another chapter, I managed to finish in my free time!

I have noticed lately, that I am really, REALLY inactive and I'm very sorry about that.

Real life just got even more difficult, due to me being in a new grade with more homework.

And I can't find the motivation I need, since just the thought of needing to update so many books is tiring.

I know, I'm lazy. Sorry for that. But listen.

I thought of maybe only updating one of my stories more, till I made it to the final chapter. I posted something about it on my Conversation wall.

Please tell me there, what you think.

The more comments about a story, I get, the more chances it has to be updated more.

Just to make clear, I do not promise right now, that I will update more, but there's a chance.
Thank you for reading this!

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And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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