Chapter 8: My Biggest Nightmare

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Paris's POV
"No...[Y/N]..." I couldn't believe it. [Y/N] did well steering them away, but sadly never made it back. I sat on the roof and watched how every single thing happened. I widened my eyes. I still couldn't believe it. How could this have happened? Maybe I should have helped her back it is too late. I quickly returned home and also watched out, that they didn't follow me. As I came back, everyone was already outside of the basement. "Hey, Paris! So, what happened, dude?" "[Y/N]...she...she..." "She what? Why that sad look on your face? Something bad happened?" "She...sacrificed herself to them..." "What?!" "No...[Y/N]..!", the phantom twins began to cry. "I should have helped is all my fault..." "Don't be so hard on yourself! None of us could've done anything.." "But I was right there! I could have saved her! Still all I did was watching!" "Paris! Come down, Bud! It's not your fault! She knew this was going to happen! She sacrificed herself for us!" "I'm...sorry... I made you all's really late right should go to bed.." "You're okay?" "I'll be just fine.." "If you say so." After that everyone left the room. Everyone, except Yumi. "You should go to sleep too, Yumi." "What a-about you?" "I just need some time to think about this, don't worry." "Your really going to Okay...right?" "Of course." Just as I thought, she was going to leave, she grabbed my hand and dragged me quick and carefully upstairs into the guest room of the phantom twins, where Yumi was staying. "What is it?" "I... I just feel scared alone...would you here for a bit?" "Alright." After that, she gave me a quick smile and then went into her bed. I returned the smile and then turned to the window. The moon was shining very bright tonight. I closed my eyes. The memories I had, watching you being chained were repeating again and again. The look she gave me, when she was chained terrified me. I opened my eyes again. I need to figure out, how to save her.

[Y/N]'s POV
I opened my eyes. Where am I? I can recall, that I steered that dream catcher away from them...but...what else happened? I can't remember...I look around. I see nothing, but blackness. How did I came here? Know I remember....that dream catcher caught me..means...right now... I should be seeing my biggest nightmares, while it controls my body. But I still can't seem to find anything, that would even be close to be a nightmare of mine. "[Y/N]..." I heard a girl say. ,,"[Y/N]...", she repeated. I looked around, but there was no one. "[Y/N]..." A boy said, this time. I still could only see just black. Everywhere I look is just an black emptiness. "Who is there?", I asked. But those two persons just kept on repeating my name. Finally I saw the two people standing there a bit further away. "Who are you?", I asked again. I stepped in closer and then recognized them. It were the phantom twins! But...they didn't looked like the twins, I knew. "[Y/N]...can get a piece of you...?", they said together, staring at me like they've gone mad. "Just as piece...." I didn't really know, what they've meant, but I knew one thing for sure. They weren't the real ones. Suddenly they had a very big grin on their face, which didn't look very sane. Their teeth were sharp and their eyes were glowing. Maybe I should start to do something. You reached into your back, to take the knife out, but you couldn't feel anything. There was no knife. The twins started to come closer. Since they've more than enough threatening evidence, that their planning to kill you, you started to run. You ran as fast as you could in the other direction, but still looked back behind you. The twins were following you. You could sense the insanity in their souls. You just looked away and continued running in this large, black emptiness. How long can I keep this up? If only I could tell someone, how to break this nightmare. Wait...infront of me is another person! I can barely see it, since the person was too far away.

Yumi's POV
I looked at Paris one last time, before I layed down to sleep. He looked serious and worried at the same time.
•Yumi's Dream•
I woke up. Where am I? All I see, is black. Then I heard footsteps. Someone was running and heard them getting louder every second. Then I saw [Y/N] running. I wanted to say something, but before I could even react, she grabbed me and carried me in her arms, while she was still running in the same tempo. "[Y/N]? Is that r-really you..?" "Well, yes, but...are you part of this nightmare? Or are you the real Yumi?" "Wha-...I..I'm the real Yumi..! But...why are you running?" "Haven't you taken a look behind us?" I didn't really understand, what she meant, but when I glanced behind us...I saw the Phantom Twins running after us. I froze. They had very sharp teeth, which looked like they could've bite of my head. And they looked and acted like monsters...

I was so glad, that [Y/N] grabbed and  carried me like this

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I was so glad, that [Y/N] grabbed and  carried me like this. Who knows, what could've happen, if she didn't.. "Yumi, now listen up." I looked up. [Y/N] had a serious face, which looked straight to the direction, where she was running to. "Hm?" "This happens, when someone gets chained up, by one of those chains from the dream catcher. The victim will see it's biggest nightmare." "This is your biggest nightmare..?" "Well, you could say that. The twins cared about me, just like you care about Paris. The do mean something special to me, but it would break my heart, if it where them, who slaughter me." "Oh.." "Now, listen. As soon as you wake up, go to Paris and tell him to slice up the source of this. The dream catcher. Then I would be at least half conscious. Alright?" "Y-yes.." "You should better wake up, before those things get you." "But what about you..?" "Don't worry about me...I'll be just fine..." "Are you sure..?" "Certainly." "O-Okay.." After that, I tried my best to wake up.
•End of the dream•
I woke up with a big gasp. "Paris!", I shouted then. "What is it? Did you had a dream that might be helpful for us?" "Y-yes..!"

[End of Chapter 8]

Hey there!

I got this Chapter done!
I think this one's a bit creepier than the ones before!
But I still like it! Hope you do too!

Also I thought, maybe I should make something like an art book too! You know, like I draw your request...well I try to draw them...
Should I do something like that?

Choose either...

-Yay! I love the idea!


-Hm... I don't know...maybe you shouldn't...


😐-Don't know, don't care!

Please leave a vote and a comment!
And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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