Chapter 4: What's Going On...?

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Paris' POV
,,Alice...your...[P/M/D]...she's...alive...", Lily said. ,,W-wait! I-it's not what it looks like!"
The [P/M/D] then turned around. ,,Pleasure to see you again.", I then said. Everyone looked either shooked or surprised. Even [Y/N] looked surprised for a minute, but then smiled. ,,Likewise." ,, know her?!" ,,Yes, Lily, I do." ,,S-since when, ...Paris...?" ,,Yeah...[Y/N]...since when...?" ,,Maybe I should introduce myself first. Shouldn't I?" ,,Th-that would make this easier." ,,W-wait! [Y/N]! D-do really think you should...?" ,,You knew about this?" ,,Indeed, my friend here, Alice, does know about me." ,,W-why didn't you tell us?" ,,I...really didn't know, if I could trust you..." ,,Um, excuse me! We also have a puppet thing alive!" ,,Calm down. No need for this right now." ,,And you! Why didn't you show us your real form right from the beginning?!" ,,Please. I said calm down." ,,And Paris! Why haven't you told us you knew her!" ,,Could you please calm down now?" ,,And-and...!" ,,Alright enough...Shut up for a minute, will you?!" ,,What..." ,,Now...sorry for my rudeness, but if I couldn't tell you the nice way...then I must've done that." ,,Alright...?" ,,I am [Y/N]. [Y/N] the [P/M/D]. Created in year 1938. Made to destroy every single toy someone stupid made." ,,Wait...then your the same us...Paris...?" ,,I do not really know what Paris is suppose to do...would anyone clear this up for me?" ,,I was created to stop every single failure that fool made. But why did he created you...? I thought I was the only one who was supposed to stop them..." ,,It really is a bit odd...if you and I were created by the same is it possible that I don't remember you?" ,, I also do not remember you- were created 1938?" ,,Yes." ,,I was created 6 years before...and that fool threw me into that box right after 5 long years for me, to stop those things..." ,,Now that you mention it...he sometimes did mumble about a missing box..." ,,So...let me get this straight. Paris was created first to stop those things for 5 years. Then he was thrown into a box. Right after that your creator lost that box and his toys started to mess up again. And since he lost Paris, he just created an other one?" ,,I think, it could've been like that." ,,U-um... I'm really sorry to interrupt...b-but that b-big Teddy Bear just took my brother with it...!" ,,So sorry, Alice. I'll get to this immediately." She then grabbed her and jumped over the dead end brick wall. ,,W-wait! We aren't finished yet! You can't just do that! We aren't...! Aaaaand she's gone!" So that fool lost me and now she's here...that explains at least a few things. ,,Yo! Paris!" ,,Yes?" ,,Why don't you just grab us and jump over that wall too?" ,,I can't. You would be too heavy together." ,,For real now?" ,,Yes." ,,Fine! Then just go take Yumi and I'll take a taxi or something..!" ,,Alright." I then took Yumi and jumped over the wall, but as I arrived [Y/N] already sliced the teddy up. ,,Now. I'm sorry, but we got to leave now." ,,W-wait! I...i wanted to ask you a few things!" ,,I'm sorry, but you have to understand that these two need some rest." ,,Oh...Alright..." ,,I'm sure, we'll will meet again."

Yumi's POV
I wanted to ask her a few things...but I understand those two need some may really was too much for them. ,,We should start to head home too." ,,Yeah..." Then a taxi stopped right behind us and Lily came out. ,,Yo, guys! Did I miss much? What happened?" ,,[Y/N] already ripped the teddy bear to peaces, before I got here." ,,Oh..." ,,It's gotten quite late already. We should head back too." ,,Yeah...your right..." We then went home. Paris turned into a puppet like always and sat next to my bed like and I laid down.
-Yumi's Dream-
I woke up infront of the house of the Phantom Twins. I saw two suspicious persons in black infront of their door. I didn't thought much of them, but then they crashed the door and went inside. I was too scared to follow them...but if I don't go in...Paris might won't find the next toy... . Just as I decided to go in those two came out, with those twins unconscious in their hands. They then went in another dead end near the house. I put myself together and followed them. But as I looked, there was no one in the dead end. Strangely nothing scary happened yet. So I just went home. But as soon as I got there those two were infront of my house. I wanted to sneak away, but as I went backwards... I stepped on a stick. Those two immediately noticed and headed towards me. I turned around and ran as fast as I can in the other direction. But they were faster. They them grabbed me and pulled out a book. ,,You see this book?", one of them said. ,,Y-y-yes...?" I saw a drawing of a black monster on a page, that the men ripped out. He threw the page on the ground and then that monster was alive, then he threw me infront of them. ,,You better tell us what we wanna know...or..." The man then flicks his fingers and the monster moved in my direction. It got faster every second. My heart beated faster. I crawled back, but then I bumped against the legs of the men. ,,Tell us...where is-"
-End of the dream-
I woke up. ,,Paris!" ,,Good morni-". ,, I-I had another dream..!" ,,What was it about ?" ,,There...there were two men in black...and they had a book!" ,,A book...?" ,,There was a...M-Monster th-that came out of the book...a-and...the Twins!" ,,Which Twins?" ,,The Phantom Twins..!" ,,Yes?" ,,The men also took them in my dream!" ,,Well then we should better head to them as fast as we can." ,,R-right!" But  as we almost arrived [Y/N] was hiding behind a building that was infront of the Phantom Twins house. ,,Hello, [Y/N]-". She held her hand over his mouth. ,,Shhh!" What's going on...?

[End of Chapter 4]

(If you don't wanna read All that down there👇 , skip to the end!)

Hey...! Sorry...No self-drawn picture today.
And also sorry, that this Chapter was uploaded a bit later today! I was a bit busy, since school starts soon.
But tomorrow will be two pictures for that, if I can manage that...

(Also... I didn't find any good pictures for this Chapter, so... I just took any picture I found.
Just for the information. The Pictures, that are above the titel are just some good pictures of Paris and shouldn't really fit in with the story...starting now, expect I found a good picture for a chapter.)

(How was this Chapter? What do you think?
Why did [Y/N], I mean you... I should Paris shut up? What is your guess?)

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And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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