Chapter 7: Sacrifice

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[Y/N]'s POV
It was quite. Just like last time. I still looked at him and he still looked away. Maybe I should break the silence. "Will we return to miss Yumi's house, if they accept taking care of the children, to take care of that dream catcher?" He turned around again from his red, flustered face to his serious one. "I suppose." Then it went quite again. "Have you seen this dream catcher before?", he asked me. ,,I have." "That is reassuring." "When should we set out?" "Tonight at 8 pm should be perfect." " you mind if I take a short break?" "Not at all." I felt a bit tired. I turned to my smaller form, so I won't use too much space and closed my eyes. I wanted to be ready and need to rest for a bit.

Paris' POV
She laid on the other side of the couch. I didn't feel like resting, so I didn't. Because I couldn't do anything, I looked around the room, but then stopped at one point. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was still sleeping. I just stared at her for a bit, but then- "Yo, Paris! The kids can stay!" "Could you please stop yelling?" "Woah! What's with you? Also could you look at me, when I'm talking to you?" "You'll wake [Y/N] up with that annoying voice of yours!" Even though [Y/N] didn't seem like she heard that, didn't mean, that she could now yell around. "Hello? I said look at me! Ya know, this is kinda rude!" I then just turned around, to make her stop say that. "Finally you-..." "What is it?" "I didn't know a puppet could fall in love!~" "And what does this suppose to mean?" "Haven't you looked into the mirror? You're as red as a tomato!" "What...?" ,,How is it even possible? How can you turn red? Can puppets turn red?" " must be seeing things! I am not blushing!" "Hm?~" "S-stop looking at me like that! ... I need some air. So if you'd excuse me." I stood up and walked outside. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, so I looked around. Then I saw four small, purple lights in the corner over there and a very big, glowing eye. I knew it! It's the dream catcher! I need to act fast! I opened the door and stormed into the house. "That was fast." "We have no Time for this! Get the children somewhere save!" ,,What?! Why? Is something wrong?" "The dream catcher is here." "What?!" "Stop being difficult and go!" "Alright! You guys be careful, Kay?" "Sure, now go." After that she ran out of the living room. [Y/N] was still sleeping on the Couch. I need to wake her up! There is no time left! "[Y/N]! Wake up! It's here!" "What...?" "The dream catcher is here!" "Already?!" "Yes! Come on!" She stood up and transformed into her bigger form. Just as we were about to open the door, we heard big footsteps. And as we went out, there was the dream catcher. It was already night. His eye was glowing purple and there were a few smaller, glowing lights behind it. I tried my best to see what those lights were and to my surprise, it were Yumi's two guardians. They were walking slowly without an expression on their face behind that dream catcher and their eyes were glowing purple. I know it has to do with those chains on their legs, since I've dealt with that before. "What do you suggest?" "Slicing it up, of course." "Are you sure, you know that thing? Do you not know, that it can throw those chains at you?" [Y/N] had a point. "Then we just need to dodge." "Then let's start." We both ran to them with our knife's ready. I dodged every single chain, just like [Y/N], but then Yumi's parents blocked the way. I immediately stopped, before I could've sliced them up and jumped back. "This wasn't as easy, as I expected.." "Change of plans?" "I suppose." We quickly ran into the house and went upstairs. "Oh, hey Dude-" "We don't have time for this! Quick get the children!" "Wait, so you didn't kill it?" "In fact, no. That's why we have to run now!" "Alright! Get Iris! You guys get the children!"

[Y/N]'s POV
"Alright!" "[Y/N]..? What are y-you doing here..?" "Alice! Alex! Come here! Quick!" "W-What? A-alright!" Both of them ran into my arms. I carried them and looked for Paris. He was already holding Yumi and those green twins were behind him. "I'll take Lily and you'll take Iris! We need to get out of here, quick!" I did as he said and then jumped after him out of the window. We ran quick, but I still could feel it's aura. "So, not that I want to complain, but where are we going now?" "I guess, we need to go to the house of the phantom twins." "Wasn't it" "We do not have any other option right now." As we arrived, I put them down. The door was fixed again and no one seemed to be here, so we walked inside. "Wow..[Y/N]...I didn't know you could run that fast! Especially with three people to carry!" "It was nothing. You should get some rest." "You're right..what about you?" I'm alright. Have a good night." "Thanks! Wow, you're way nicer than that guy!" "What was that?" "Nothing!" "[Y/N]? A-are you don't want" "Don't worry about me, Alice. I'll be just fine, now go." "Y-yes!", she said and smiled a bit. I took a seat at the couch. "This a was very...unusual night." "I agree." I glanced at the other side of the couch. Paris was sitting there, reading a book. I looked away. To distract myself, I then looked out of the window. It was still night. But as I looked more accurated....I saw...4 purple, glowing eyes. "Paris!" "What is it?" "They're here!" "Impossible..." How am I suppose to protect the twins now? I guess, I'll have to make a sacrifice.. "Alright...listen." "Do you have a plan?" "Yes...go get everyone and go into the basement!" "What about you?" ,,I'll take care of them.." "You can't! We both couldn't take care of it, how are you suppose to do it?!" "'s for their safety!" "Alright..." After that I left the House.

Paris's POV
I quickly got everyone into the basement, but didn't stay with them. I secretly followed [Y/N] and it seemed like she was steering them away. It actually worked without a problem and they were already miles away, but then...that dream catcher caught here...she had a chain on here leg... "No...[Y/N]..."

[End of Chapter 7]

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[End of Chapter 7]

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