Chapter 19: Miss Phantom Enters The Room

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Suddenly, we heard the door downstairs unlock. "Did you invite more friends?", I asked. "No...we didn't.." "Alecia! Alexion! We're back!" Oh no..

[Y/N]'s POV
"Who are those people downstairs????", Lily whisper-shouted. "Um...they're.." "Yes? Who are they, Alex??" "They're their parents.", I said. "What? But aren't they only visiting rarely??" "That's right. They're only coming home once or twice every three months. But it's been quite some time since their last visit, so I don't think that it would be weird, if they came now." Lily didn't look relieved at all and I don't think that she should.

"I suggest that you better either hide or get out of here. Because the twin's parents don't really like it when they find strangers in their children's room." "Yeah! Who in the world would???", Iris yelled. "What should we do??? The closet isn't big enough for three people! Wh- [Y/N]! Did you just turn yourself into a small puppet?? You gotta help us too! Not just run for yourself!" "Well, I need to hide too. Why don't you just pretend to be visiting?" "That wouldn't even make sense! How in the world should we know the twins under normal circumstances??" "L-Lily! You have to be quiet or they'll hear you..!", Iris warned. "Why don't the two of you just go down there and distract them, while we're figuring a way out?", Paris Suggested. "Yes! Alright..!", Alice cutely said as she tried to act brave. "We'll try our best..!", Alex added.

The Phantom twins than ran out of the room and closed the door quietly. "They can stall us at least 15 minutes. Paris and I can bring you out of the house through the window, but I don't know, if it will be long enough. Both of us can only carry at least one person, I think." "Right. Yumi. You go hide in their closet while me and [Y/N] get Lily and Iris out of here." "Okay..!" Yumi then hid herself in the closet, leaving the closet door a little bit opened. I opened the rooms window and then got down, so either Lily or Iris could get on my back. "Okay. Hurry please." "Right!", Lily said and probably got on my back. I held her tightly and jumped out of the window, landing on the riff of a building close by. I then jumped from the building to the dark streets next to a night lantern. After Lily got down, I saw Iris next to her and Paris already on the building's roof.

He's quite fast. I quickly jumped up too and we both then went back into the room. Luckily, I could still hear the parents downstairs, so we still had time. "Yumi. You can get out now.", Paris said. Then the little girl swiftly opened the door and jumped on his back, since he was already kneeling down waiting for her to get on him. "Well. I guess this is goodbye for now. Have a good night, Paris." "You have a good night as well, [Y/N].", he said as he jumped out of the window.

Just as I was about to close it, I heard foot steps and I quickly turned into a small [P/M/D] which was quietly lying on the floor. Shortly after, the door swung open. "So?? Where are the toys that we bought for my darlings???", Miss Phantom shouted. "Sweetie..! Please don't yell so late at night..!" "Don't be ridiculous, darling! We don't visit or children that often! I want to see our kids happily playing with the toys that we bought them last time!!" "But honey...we just got back..don't you want to rest at least a tiny bit?" "I'm alright filled with energy after seeing my cute little apple pies faces! I mean, look at these soft and small cheeks! Makes you wanna pinch them so bad!!", she said, while pinching Alex' cheeks. "M-mum..! It hurts.." "Aw! Sorry, bunny! I was just so excited to see my cute little baby's again!" She then let go of his cheeks and looked around in their room. She then stopped in front of me, as she saw me lying on the floor.

"Alecia? Don't you like your little doll, that mummy chose for you personally?" "Love...I don't mean to offend you, but your taste in toys isn't really suited for that of a child..." "What do you mean?! I have excellent taste in children toys! I know my cuties the best! Isn't that right?" "Y-Yeah..." Alice quickly Ran over to me and picked me up. "See, honey? Alecia loves the doll I chose for her?"

"Yes, yes..I'm sorry.." "You better be! After all...wait..Alexion? Where is your toy? I got you this funny Jack-In-The-Box, right?" " see..I-it I..I..threw it..away.." "Really..? That's unfortunate..aren't you sad that Alecia has a toy, but you don't?" "N-not at all..! She said..w-we could share [Y/N]..!" "Well, that certainly is sweet and cute, but I still think it's unfair, that you don't have your own toy..." "It's alright, mother.." "It's not, Child! But I have good news for you! I found a good toy shop that I found on the way here! We could've gone to the shop from last time, but the owner suddenly closed and sold the shop. I wonder why...anyway! Prepare yourself tomorrow! We'll go buy you a better toy than that rusty old box clown!" "I asked you to please keep it down,'s really late and I don't want to wake the neighbors..." "Fine! You're such a scaredy-cat, darling!"

Mister and miss Phantom then left the room and closed the door. The three of us sighted out of relief, as soon as they got out. "That was more exhausting than I thought..", I said, still in my small [P/M/D] form. "B-but you heard where we'll be going, right [Y/N]?" "Yes, Alex. There might be something from that fool of a creator. Prepare yourself for tomorrow." "Yes, [Y/N]..!"

Little did I know that someone was eavesdropping from outside the open window...

Little did I know that someone was eavesdropping from outside the open window

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[End of Chapter 19]


Glad you stuck around even though I update quite rarely.

I'm really grateful to everyone who is reading this little fan-fiction of mine.

It's been a while since I drew Paris, that's why you most likely don't know my new art style.

I hope you like the picture. It's only a quick sketch, but I'm running out of time. So I'm sorry, if it looks sloppy!

But I still hope that you like it.

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