Chapter 16: Her Big Attack!

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[Y/N]'s POV
" two should and Paris will find a way to get through this." "O-okay..." Yumi and Alice fell asleep after a while again. Hopefully, there won't be any nightmare...I care for Alice very much...what would happen if she dies? part of her army... I immediately stopped thinking about that as I felt a pair of arms around me. It were Paris' arms. He pulled me into a little hug. My face was on his chest and I felt his head on mine.. even though there was much more to worry about and we even already kissed...I still got flustered and red! "It will be alright [Y/N].. I'm sure there is a way to get trough all this.", he said. ,,Uh...y-Yeah..." "Are you alright? You just stuttered." " O-of course! Why wouldn't I be! I am more than Alright!" "Good to hear" "..." "..." "Um...Paris?" "Yes?" "Could you let go?" "Oh! Of course! I'm sorry!" The moment he let go of me I immediately turned my face in the other direction of where he was, so he wouldn't see my tomato-like face. My heart pounded like crazy...and my face must still be red embarrassing! "Um...[Y/N]?" "Y-Yes?" "Am I making you uncomfortable?" Yes!!! "No. Of course not." "Then...why aren't you looking at me?" "Must I?" "No, but could you look at me now?" I slowly turned my head, since my heart calmed down a little, but then started again and even very quickly. He was right in front of me! His face was only a few inches away! He held my chin with his hand and his face came even closer. We surely were just about to kiss...again... BAAAAAM! "What was that??" I don't know, if I should be thankful or sad that we didn't kiss.. "I'm not sure.." "[Y/N]~ Did you really though, I wouldn't find you?~" "This answers the question." We suddenly heard something outside, what sounded like a sword slashing against another sword. "We're are you?!" "Look out of the window~" "I only glanced at the window and already started getting pissed. That doll got almost as big as this house. She even had long, knife-fingers, but this didn't surprise or got me pissed. That big doll was holding Alex unconscious in her big dirty hands, threatening to cut his throat open. "You better hurry~I'm already getting bored!" "You wouldn't dare!" "Wanna bet?~" That gigantic doll started to laugh, which rather sounded like thousand screams, screaming at the same time.

Paris' POv
For a moment she just stood there, glaring at the doll, while shaking a little. Then she must've snapped, since her eyes started to get black except her red pupil. She took her knife out in light speed and sliced the window in front of us open, then just jumped out. I couldn't feel any emotion in her except anger and rage. I've never seen [Y/N] acting like this... I was torn from my thoughts, as I heard something. Then I saw [Y/N] on the ground outside and her knife metres away from hers. She had many scratches and a piece of her leg was in that Doll's hand's. "[Y/N]!" "Oh? After all these years, you actually even got yourself a knight in shining armour? I'm jealous~" "What..?? He's not my knight in-!" "Oh really? What is he then?" "He's..." I took the opportunity, while that doll was distracted and attacked. I cut her right arm of, leaving only left arm with Alex still in her gigantic hand. It also seemed like [Y/N] used the opportunity too and put her leg back, while getting her knife. "Hey! Two against one is UNFAIR!! That's not fair!!! At least I still have that purple kid you care for, [Y/N]!" "Are you sure?" "Are you blind? He's right here- What?!" Alex was sleeping in [Y/N]'s Arms. She must've saved him, while this doll whined and complained. "That's it! I've got enough of you!! I'm done playing!" She suddenly formed her one remaining arm and knife-hand to a large blade and was about to slash at [Y/N] with it. I ran to her quickly and put my knife between [Y/N] and the large blade. But there was a lot of dust, that I didn't see what [Y/N] did. As the dust cloud disappeared, I could see [Y/N]'s and my knife intertwined to an X, stopping the Blade from crushing us. Our faces are close too.

[Y/N]'s POVOur faces are so close

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[Y/N]'s POV
Our faces are so close..! Wait! Now isn't the right moment for this! I have to get Alex out of here! "You're gonna Die! You little piece of trash!" She pressed her blade arm harder on us. "Paris! I have to get Alex away to safety! Could you keep her busy?" "Alright, please be quick." "I will." I put my knife into my back and ran into the direction of the house. "You little coward! Get back here!", I heard her scream back. "Don't worry. We're going to finish this little fight later." I arrived in front of the house and jumped through the hole, I came out with. But the next thing I saw, was very terrifying. A crowd of people were in front of a closet door and tried opening it. Isn't this...her army? "Aaaaah!" Wasn't that Yumi just now?! "N-No...Not!" Alice?! I heard both of them from inside of that closet! I have to save them! But I still have Alex in my arms and...Paris can't take care of that doll for long.. I have to think! At least that crowd didn't notice me yet...the first thing I should do is hide Alex somewhere. I just took one step, but hit my foot on the table accidentally. Oh no...

[End of Chapter 16]

Well hello there!

Finally found some time to continue my story!

A big thanks for anyone who waited for this chapter patiently and wanted to read more!

School started a while ago and is giving me a hard time so I really didn't have any time for this story.

Btw. soon as the next holidays start, I'll be flying to Vietnam!


I could post a few photos from there, if you like!

That's all.

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And i'll see you in the next Chapter!

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