Chapter 11: Quite An Awkward Week

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[Y/N]'s POV
Paris and I walked quiet home. We didn't even say one word. But it was weird. I feel confused and flustered, while Paris seems to walk calm next to me. After the long walk home, Paris was just about to open the door, when someone else from inside opened it then. I recognized the twins. Of course not the phantom twins. I mean the twins in green. "'re back..." "What? Already? We missed it all thanks to you!"
"I'll just go first and when you're done with clothing yourself, you can come too." "What? Please don't leave me! I'll be quick! I promise!" "Fine!"
(15 min. Later)
"Come on, sis! Just pick an outfit and change!" "What? There is no way, i'm go out with some random outfit! It has to be the perfect one!" "Are you kidding me? This is going to take ages!" "Well, it's not my fault, that these clothes aren't perfect!" "Just. Pick. A damn. Outfit!"
-Flashback over-
"This is your fault!" "What? How is this my fault?!" "If you haven't tried to pick the perfect outfit, we might have saw them kiss!" "If you wanted to see it so badly, why didn't you just go without me?!" "Because you didn't let me!" "Oh, so it's my fault now?" "Yes! It is!" I can't deal with this now... I just moved past them and walked tired into my room.

Paris's POV
Is she feeling alright? She did look a bit ill. "Why couldn't you just took any outfit?!" "Are you deaf?!" "Alright. I've had enough of you two! What is going on? Why are you guys yelling at this hour? It's late!" "Because I wanted to see, how your date we-..." "I'm sorry ... what did you just say?" "Eeeeek! Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" "Nothing you say? I thought, I just heard you say something." "Y'know What? We need to check on something! See ya later!" After that she grabbed her sister's hand and ran up the stairs.

Lily's POV
"Where are we running?", Iris said, while I was still running and holding her arm. "Y'know, this isn't the direction to our guest room, those other twins gave us, right?" "Of course I know that!" "Then where are we going?" "To [Y/N] of course!" "What?" "Paris won't tell us anything at all for sure, but [Y/N] should be different.." "What?" "Ugh! Just come with me." After walking a while, we were now standing infront of a door. "What is this room? It's right next to the room of those other twins!" "It's [Y/N]'s room." "And...what are we doing here? Are we going to get in?" "No..let's not stress her.." "But didn't you say, [Y/N] would tell us what happened?" "What? Pfff! As if I did!" "You know what? Forget it! What are we doing here?" "I just wanna see, how she's doing." "Without going in?" "Yeah!" "And how?" "Watch and learn!" I looked through the keyhole and was surprised of what I saw then. [Y/N] was rushing from one side of the room to the other, mumbling something and her face is totally red! I didn't expect that! I thought, [Y/N] was just like Paris! And Paris is never flustered! "Wat'cha seeing?" "You won't believe this! [Y/N] is totally flustered!" "What? No way!" "Look for yourself then!" "God! She actually is!" "You think, she'll stay flustered for long?" "I guess, we'll just wait and see!" "Right! But...we should probably go to bed's kinda late.." "True..."
•A few days later•
"Good Morning, [Y/N]. How was your nigh-" "Itwasgood!Thankyouforasking, myapologiesbutIneedtoleave,goodbye!" "Woah! Did you see that? [Y/N] just rushed past Paris!" "Yeah! And she didn't even look at him!" "And what are you two talking about?" "Nothing!" "Nothing!" "Wise decision." After [Y/N] ran to her room, Paris just quietly sat down at the table, where we were eating breakfast. "Sooooo...what're you gonna do about [Y/N]?" He looked away and I'm sure he blushed a little!

what're you gonna do about [Y/N]?" He looked away and I'm sure he blushed a little!

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"I'll check up on her later." "Nononono! We'll do that for you!" "Hey! Lily! What are you doing!", Iris whispered to me. "Can't you see, that [Y/N]'s to flustered to talk to him?" "What do you mean?" "For real?"
•2 days earlier•
"Hello, [Y/N]. Could I talk to you?" "Whatsorry,butIdon'thavetimerightnow,bye!" ,,That was strange.."
"[Y/N]! Could I have a moment please!" "Sorry,stilldon'thavetime!" ,,But it would only take a minute-.."
,,Good Morning, [Y/N]. How was your nigh-" "Itwasgood!Thankyouforasking,myapologies,butIneedtoleave,goodbye!"
-Flashback over-
" mean that..I was really wondering, why she kept on running away from him." "Right. That was quite an awkward week between them.." "Yeah..." "What are you two always whispering about?" "Nothing~ Nothing~"
(After Breakfast)
"Let's go!" "Okay!" We went the stairs up and then walked to her room. The phantom twins really do have a big house! Finally! Where here. "Iris! Can you see, what she's doing?" "The exact same thing like yesterday." "Let's knock." "Sure." Iris knocked. We heard a her cough a little, but then we heard a little "Come in." We opened the door. Looks like [Y/N] doesn't walks around anymore, but sit's on a bed. "What can I do for you?" "Iris, could you please close the door?" "Sure, sis." "What was that for?" "Just so no one can hear us." "Why shouldn't anyone hear us?" "Because...we want to know what's going on between you and Paris." "What?!" "Come on! You can tell us! We won't going to tell!" "What exactly is it, you'd like to know...?" "Hm...what do you feel for him?" "'t know..." "So you don't like him?" "No! I do like him!" "Oh~You do?~" "Um...Yeah..." "Why don't you Tell him?" "Easier said than done." "Would you excuse us for a minute?" I grabbed Iris' arm again and pulled with me to a corner of the room to talk. "Seems like she won't talk to him at all." "So?" "Let's make them a Date ourselves then." "Great Idea!" "Where will it be?" "I don't know, how about the woods?" "What? Why there?" "That's where he saved her! Maybe that'll trigger some romance!" "Okay!" "All that is left is to get them there, without knowing, that the other one is there." "I'll take care of Paris." "Thank god!" ,,Hm?" "Well, you know ! Paris and I...we don't really like us.." "True."

[End of Chapter 11]

I finished this chapter finally!

Sorry, this Chapter might wasn't as good as the one before, but this was all I could think of!

I was able to draw Paris up there! I wanted to draw [Y/N] too, but i'm a bit tired right now!

Hope this Chapter was still okay!

Also did you know, that I drew every digital picture on my phone with nothing, but a finger?

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And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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