Chapter 10: Fireworks

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Paris's POV
We kissed. It did surprise her and that toy didn't do anything yet, so now would be just the right moment. Our lips parted and there still wasn't a reaction. I took my knife out and cut that chain carefully, but fast off her leg. Suddenly [Y/N] eyes widened, but then she fainted. I grabbed her hand and then carried her out of the forest. I jumped with her in my arms on a roof, because I didn't carry two hoods with me and she would've scare the humans on that fest. I jumped on the next roofs and then landed on that of those phantom twins. I entered through an open window and carried [Y/N] down to the living room. I placed her on the sofa and then sat next to her. Not too long after, the door opened. "ThAt'S nOt FaIr!!! JuSt AnOtHeR rOuNd WoUlDn'T hUrT!" "Sis..we already took 39 rounds in that carousel..!" "BuT iT's OnLy EiGht O'cLoCk!" "No! You seriously need some rest! Oh, you're early back, Pari-...[Y/N] her back..?" "I found her in the forest." "Oh... I didn't thought she would be there..such a strange place, for a
[P/M/D] to walk around.." "WhAt'Ya All tAlKiNg AbOuT..?" "Okay, that's it! You're going to bed NOW!" "WhAt??? No WaY iN hEll!" "Fine! We'll do it the hard way ... you're so going to bed! And if I have to chain you to the bed. And don't think, I wouldn't watch you!" "UnFaIr!" "Come on! ...hey, Paris?" "Yes?" "You didn't had much fun at that fest, did you?" "Not really." "Maybe you should go on the big wheel, when [Y/N]'s conscious again." "What..?" But then they were all gone already, even the children. I layed against the sofa, [Y/N] sleeps on and thought about Iris' words. "Should I?" Well, I do need to wait, if I want to ask her. "urgh..." I glanced over to her. Looks like she woke up. "Paris?" "Ah, [Y/N]! I see, you're awake." "My apologies, but..what happened?" "I'll explain it later. Do you want to join me on the big wheel?" "This is a rather odd request of you...but I'd love to try it out." "Then shall we go?"

Iris' POV
"Hm..." ,,Yo, Iris! What are ya doin-" I put my hand on Lily's mouth really fast.Shhh!" I then took a look behind the wall I was hiding. Oh, he's gone. I took my hand back. "What the hell?!" "Calm down! So, you've rested a bit?" "Yeah! But why did you just do that?!" "Calm down, I said!" "What was behind the wall? Tell me!" "Paris and [Y/N]! Don't you remember?" "And why were you spying on them?" "Because.." I leaned closer to her ear. ,,..I think, he just ask her out on a date." "What?!" "I'm not lying." "That's so cool! About time he does that!" "What?" "Ya know! When will be the next time a magical [P/M/D], which can fight and talk come here?" "True." "But you didn't tell me, why exactly you were spying and doing that. I mean, we could've just jumped out of our hideout and surprise them." "No, Lily! I wanna see how that date goes!" "Then what are we waiting for?" "You wanna come too?" "Yeah! What's the problem?" ,,You're still in your Pyjama's." "Oh.."

[Y/N]'s POV
We were walking with big hoods through this festival. It was a nice celebration, well...a few things did disturb me... "Hey! such a nice couple! You guys want some Takoyaki?" How are we suppose to enjoy this, if people always ask us, if we want to eat something? We can't eat. "I'm sorry, sir. We're not hungry.", Paris said. "Oh, sorry then!" "It's not a problem." "Paris, how are you able to stay calm in such situations?" "Well, it's because you're here."

I felt a heat in my face

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I felt a heat in my face. "What...?" "Oh, look! The line infront of the big wheel isn't very long anymore." "Oh.." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the line. I looked around and I saw nothing but couples around. "Next.", a man said and the line got even smaller. As we were finally inside of the big wheel, I've noticed how small this was. There was at least enough space for two people to sit inside. "There isn't much space in here, as I expected.." I glanced over to him. He was looking away, but I still could see that he was red. But I wasn't one to talk, because I was doing the exact same thing. As we arrived at the highest point of the big stopped. "Dear visitors on this festival, the big wheel unfortunately has a short disorder. We'll handle it in no time, so just stay calm and enjoy the rest of our festival!" "This really is quite unfortunate..." "Indeed.." Is this what people call embarrassing? Because there is a very awkward silence between us. Should I say something? I don't really even know, what to talk about...this was really strange. I've never felt this weird there something about him? Why do I feel this? What do I even feel right now? Maybe I should break the silence. "..[Y/N]..." "Yes?" "Do you remember how I rescued you?" "Not really...sorry..." "Oh, it is nothing...actually I hoped you say that.." "Why's that? Did I do something wrong?" "No... I just had something a bit inappropriate..." "What was it, that you did?" " do I say this..." Just before he could even answer, we heard a loud bang. We turned around and saw...

(I did not draw this!)。。。

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(I did not draw this!)

"Wow...they're incredible..." "Yes...they're truly magnificent....Hey...[Y/N]..." I turned my head to him. "Yes?" Then I suddenly widened my eyes, because he..kissed me.

[End of Chapter 10]

Finally done! Yes! Chapter 10 is done! 😃

You guys surely have no idea how hard it is to write at least 1000 words for every single chapter!😆

But I still did it!😁

Also...about the firework picture. Like I said. I didn't draw it, cause I can't draw fireworks, done! 😓

But I also didn't draw that background picture behind Paris, because I can't draw things like that too.😓

This entire chapter feels a bit like new year, don't you think?😅
But I seriously didn't want to make it to something for New Year....😓

Also I don't know why I took that picture at the top, but it just looked good!

Hope you like it!

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And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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