Chapter 1: The Jack-In-The-Box | Part 1

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Yumi's POV
It's been a few weeks since Paris appeared. Not much happened in that time, but I wonder why I haven't had any of my future-sight-nightmares. Paris seems a bit stressed because of that, but there's nothing I can do. I wish, I could help him...he looks a bit down lately...
It's 1 pm right now. I'm sitting on my bed, listening to music. I glanced at Paris for a moment. He still seems down...
I heard the door downstairs open. "Yumi! It's me! Lily!". I took my headphones off and went downstairs. "H-hey, Lily!". "Hey there, Yumi! How's going? Helped Paris saving the world lately?". "". "That's good!". "W-what..?". "Oh! Sorry! Listen, Yumi. I get, that you want to help him save others, but... I don't like it...". "W-why...?". ,,It's not like your doing a bad thing! Saving others is good,'ll risk your own life...". "D-don't worry, Lily! I have Paris!". "Yes, I know that Pinocchio is there! But I still don't like it!". "I...understand...". "But I won't force you to stop! If that's what you really...want to do...". "...Lily...". "You know what? Let's not talk about that now. How's Paris doing?". "He's been feeling...a little down...". "...Poor him... , I guess...? Whatever. I'm here to babysit you, so let's do something!".
(They played something, till Atsuko came home. After she came home, Lily went home)
I'm back in my room on my bed. Paris in his Puppet form sat on one of my shelf's a bit further away. He still looks stressed and seems like he's thinking about something right now. Atsuko came into my room. Paris immediately pretended to be a normal puppet. "Hey, Yumi. It's time to sleep.". "Okay.". "Good Night!", she said before she left downstairs. I didn't move, so I could hear, if she really went downstairs. "You should have some rest.". I turned my head to Paris. He smiles and stared at me, till I layed in my bed. I guess he hopes for a helpful dream tonight.
-Yumi's Dream-
I woke up in a room. There was no one here, but looked very damaged. It looked like this room belonged to two children. Because one side of the room was pink while the other was blue. There are toys and clothes all over the floor and there was a window in the middle of the wall between these colors. On the windowsill was a purple flower. It looked like it was night, since I could see the moon and the stars. This room was dark and the furnitures had big scratches and dents, as if some big monster, like my teddy bear attacked something in here. The door behind me slowly opened. I could hear it squeak. I slowly turned around and saw a scary black box coming into the room. My heart started to beat faster. And then the box opened and a giant, creepy clown came out. It almost scared me to death, that I had to start cry. I froze. I quickly glanced behind this how people call it'Jack-in-a-box' and saw a shadow. I quickly looked back at this clown looking toy that came closer to me, with it's claws ready.
-Dream ended-
I cried and immediately woke up. Paris was standing right next to me. And he looked worried. "Yumi! What happened? What did you see?", he asked. "There...there was a...Jack-in-a-Box! He-he...I....!". "Jack-in-a-Box? ... Right...him.". I was still crying and my heart still beated very fast. "Calm down. It's alright. You should just calm down and go eat breakfast.". I nodded at him, wiped away my tears and left the room. I went downstairs into the kitchen. Nora was preparing to leave, but then noticed me. "Good morning, Yu-..!". She said, but then stopped and ran over to me. "Yumi! Are you alright?! You look like you cried!". "'m alright..! It was bad dream! A-a nightmare! Nothing else!". "Oh, thank goodness! I thought something serious might've happened..". "Oh,'s...i'm Alright!". "Well...if you say so... I should probably leave...breakfast is on the table and Lily is about to come, alright?". "Ok.". Nora smiled at me and then left. I went to the table and ate my breakfast. After I finished, Lily arrived. Lily, Paris and I sat on the couch in the living room later and talked about the next toy. "So, what is this Jack-in-the-Box or what is it doing?", Lily asked. ,,Well...a Jack-In-A-Box is suppose to make children laugh, but this one scares children that they're crying.", Paris said. "Crying? I mean, making people cry isn't good, but...crying? Doesn't seems that dangerous.". ,,Oh, it sure is dangerous. Because it makes children cry...till they cry blood and then die.". I started to get goosebumps. "What?!". "Indeed. Not that harmless, as it sounded earlier.". "B-but your not planning to take Yumi with you, right?!". "Well...i unfortunately have to.". "And why's that?!". "She's the only one, who knows, how this room, where this Jack-In-A-Box looked like." "Okay. There is no way , I'll let you take Yumi with you!". "Do we really have to talk about that now?". "You didn't even ask her! can't...". "Oh! How stupid of me. Yumi?". Both of them started to look at me which made me very nervous. "I'm terribly sorry. I forgot to ask. Do you want to come with me?". I was scared. I didn't want to see that thing again. But...he wouldn't find it...if I don't help. "I'll...come with you...". "Alright. If that's clarified..". "...If Yumi really wants to help you...then I'll come too..!". "I don't have a problem with that.". "B-but when are you guys heading there?". "I thought of tonight might be good.". "Alright. Then it's settled! I'll see you guys tonight!". "W-wait! Lily! Weren't you suppose to babysit me?". "Don't worry! Pinocchio surely can watch over you just fine. And I really have to prepare myself for tonight, so I gotta go!". She said. Lily then headed to the door and then entirely left. "So...would you tell me more about, what you saw, Yumi?"

[End of Chapter one|(Part 1)]

Hey! CuteRosaYT here! So this is my first story I wrote in English, so I hope you like it!

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And I'll see you in the next chapter!

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