Chapter Two

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-Yoongis POV-

I woke up to an empty bed and I reluctantly climbed out as well. Where is Jennie at this time? It was only 7, what is she doing? "Okay all done. Eat up little one." I heard her say and instantly I knew. Jimin woke up in little space. Great. "Morning Oppa!" She said with a smile. "G'morning Oppa!" Jimin squealed causing Jennie to giggle. "Jimin your a boy, you call me Hyung. Okay?" I said sternly. "O-Otay Hyungie. 'M sowwy." I turned back to Jennie pecking her lips before making us breakfast. "H-Hyungie? Can Minnie go pway wif Nini?" I glanced up at the boy standing beside me. "Let her eat first. Finish your food too. Then you can do whatever you want." He nodded and went back to eating as I brought Jennie her food. The two of them were busy talking as I just watched them. At least Jimin is taken care of.

I washed their dishes as she took him somewhere to play. "Good morning Yoongi." Jin said as he and Jisoo came down. "Morning Hyung. Jisoo, did you sleep well?" I said as I went to make them both breakfast. "I did, thank you. Oh, let me." She said taking the pan from me. I nodded and excused myself to find Jennie. "Oppa, come sit." I shook my head and continued to watch them from the doorway. "Oppa. Come now." She said sternly and I know that its best to not argue with her. So I sat beside her pecking her cheek. "Why dont you show this to Yoongi? I bet he will love it." I tensed at that and forced a smile as Jimin crawled to me. "H-Here. I dwaws it mysef! Do Hyungie wike it?" I grabbed the paper and saw a bunch of circles and hearts on it. "Yeah. Its nice, why dont you draw another one." I said earning a smile by the both of them.

-Jennies POV-

I actually enjoy being around Jimin, even though its barely been a day since he came here. I have always loved taking care of kids. I also wanted to change the relationship between the two step-brothers. Jimin shouldnt be afraid to be his complete self and Yoongi should learn to be a bit kinder to him. "Nini~Wook at it! I dwaws it for you." He said with a big smile and there was a supposed picture of me on it. "Wow! This so pretty Jiminie. Ill hang this in our room. Thank you." I praised leaning into Yoongis side. "You know at some point we should try to get him out this habit of his." Yoongi said quietly and I moved to get a better look at him. "You will do no such thing. This is who he is. Learn to accept it Oppa, he will probably learn to grow out of it on his own. Let him be." I said before leading Jimin to the other room to watch TV.

*Time Skip to a week later*

-Jimins POV-

We got home from the cemetary earlier and I was both sad and upset. I dont understand what or why it happened. Yoongi Hyung just exploded on me and I seriously dont know why. I went straight to my room to avoid everyone. They stood by and watched him yell at me. Why the hell am I stuck with him? Hes a fucking Mafia Leader and I cant stand him! Hes never been around and when he is, he makes me feel like shit. "Jimin? Im coming in." I groaned at the sound of his voice. "What more do you have to say to me?" I snapped at him gathering my courage. "I get it okay. We are not brothers and I wont refer to you like that again. But your father was always kind to me! So sorry I feel the need to call him my Dad. They were all I had!" I shouted at him. He stood there silently before turning to leave again.

But I needed answers. "Dont walk away from me! Tell me what Ive done to make you so angry with me!? Why do you hate me so much!? What have I done!?" I shouted only to be shoved back. "You existed! You and your Mother existed! We were fine before you two came along! You are not my brother and he isnt your father! Get that through your stupid head! She only mar-." I launched myself at him slapping him. "Get out! I-I hate you!" I said shoving him out and lockong the door. I hated him. He never once tried to talk to me. He never greeted me. I was invisible growing up with him. I hated him so much. I wish my Mom was here. I wish my Father was here.

-Yoongis POV-

I was fuming. I will admit that took me by surprise. He can be a tad frightening when hes angry. But still, I hate him. I hated the marriage. I mean Aileen wasnt so bad, I just hated that my Father fell for someone else. He promised he wouldnt. But now they are both gone and I am forced to care for her son. I wish he didnt have little space then he wouldnt be here with me. "Love? Come inside please." Jennie said joining me on the balcony. I pulled her into my chest and just focused on her. "You should apologize to him. He didnt deserve that." I rolled my eyes at that. "You behave like you dont care about him but yet he is here. Safe in your home. You do care. Hes hurting like you. Go to him." I really hated when she was right. I nodded connecting our lips. "Ill meet you in a bit." I said making my way over to Jimins room.

I was about to knock when I heard him talking. "..I dun know Mickey. M-Maybe Hyungie wont eber wove Minnie. He dun wike Minnie."  Damn it. Hes in little space and crying. I knocked on the door and I could hear footsteps. "H-H-Hyungie?" He said looking up at me. "Can I come in?" He nodded and went over to his bed. "Im sorry about yelling at you today. Im sorry for what I said to you." I said as he sniffled abit. "O-Otay. I fo'gives Hyungie. D-Do Hyungie wike Minnie now?" He said crawling closer to me. "Tell you what. Tomorrow we can spend the day together. Do whatever you want." I said earning a squeal. "Weally! Timorrow will be the bestest day eber!" He said launching himself at me.

After getting him to let go and get some sleep I went back to my room. Jennie was already asleep so I quietly climbed in beside her. I cant believe I agreed to spend the day with Jimin. I really hate this but whats the worse that could happen?

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