Chapter Thirty Three

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-Yoongis POV-

I decided to do alittle shopping while Jimin is at the studio. Jaehyun was thankfully not in a fussy mood today. "Okay angel, lets find Daddy something nice." I said as I strapped the carrier on my front placing him in it. (Idk what its called, buts the thing that the baby sits in thats strapped onto your body?) I wanted to get him something because why not? He deserves to be spoiled every now and then. Which happens to be daily. "Can I help you find something?" I turned and saw a familiar face. And she seemed to recognize me too. Nayeon. Fucking Nayeon. "Y-Yoongi oppa. How are you?" She said awkwardly as she looked around. "Your lucky your a girl. You have no idea how badly I want to hurt you." I said raising my voice slightly at her. No words can describe how angry I am with her.

She instantly let out strings of apologies. "She cut me off for what I said to Jim-." She started to say but I cut her off. "Dont say his fucking name. You will stop bullying him. And Im glad she did, you deserve it. There was no issue between us. Now why dont you walk away and stay far from my family." I spat out at her watching her walk away quietly. I took a deep breath before looking down at Jaehyun. He was sound asleep. I continued to look for a perfect gift for Jimin trying to calm myself down. I found a nice gold necklace for him when I got a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" I said answering the call. "Hey its Taemin. Jimin went into littlesp-." He started to say when I heard Jimin in the background. "I wan to tawk to Daddy pweese! Gimme pweese." I smiled at the sound of his voice and I assume he was handing the phone to him.

I wasnt prepared for Jimin to talk so loudly into the phone. "Daddy! Minnie miss you so so much! Daddy come back now?" He squealed as he was most likely jumping around. "On my way angel. Wait for me." I said making my way to buy the necklace and a few treats for him. "Otay Daddy. Be safe! Minnie will wait. Wub you!" I smiled at that but didnt have time to respond before he hung up. I could wait to hold him in my arms again. I fasten Jae into his seat before making my way to the studio. I pulled into a parking stall when I saw Jimin skipping around inside the studio. "Come on little one. Want to see Daddy?" I cooed as I carried Jae out of the car. "Hes feeling little today too. You can play with him at home." I said to him as I walked us inside. I could hear Jimin singing loudly as I watched him. "Daddy! Hyunie!" He squealed running over to us.

I placed Jaehyun down so they can play for a bit before we head home. I watched as Jimin peppered kisses all over Jaehyuns face. Even in littlespace he is extremely careful and caring towards him. "Okay my babies. Let go home now hm? I think you both need a nap." I said earning a pout from Jimin. "Whats the matter sweetheart?" I asked pecking at his pout. "Minnie dun wan to be se'fish Daddy. Its otay." He said sadly grabbing my hand leading me to the car. He was quiet the whole ride home with a pout still present on his face. "Daddy cant help if you dont talk Min. Whats on your mind?" I said once I settled Jaehyun into his cradle. I pulled Jimin onto my lap as I waited for him to talk. "M-Minnie wubs Hyunie wots. But Minnie awso wan to hab all Daddys attention too." He said honestly looking up at me. I smiled at his confession giving him a peck on the lips.

I called Jin to see if he could take Jaehyun for a few hours. I understand where Jimin is coming from, so I want to keep him happy. "Daddy? How much do you wub Minnie?" Jimin said once we were cuddled up together. "Mm. This much." I spread my arms wide earning a giggle from him. "Kissies Daddy." He said as he puckered up his lips. I swear I cant describe the way he makes me feel. "Who is my little?" I asked giving him a kiss. His eyes lit up as he gasped cutely. "Minnie is! 'M Daddys wittle." He said with a proud smile before nuzzling his face into my chest. "I wub you Daddy." He said shyly as I pulled him in for a kiss. I never get tired of the way he reacts to my kisses. "Now, lets take a nap? You had a busy day." He nodded climbing out of bed to get his pijamas on. "Sweep well Daddy." I heard mumble into my chest. I moved to give his forehead a kiss before pulling him close again.

-Jimins POV-

I got up to see Yoongi was playing on his phone beside me. I snuggled closer to him gaining his attention. "Hey beautiful." He whispered before connecting our lips together. "Hey handsome." I said softly tracing his lips as he gave my fingers a few kisses. "Wheres Jae?" I said noticing his crib was empty. Yoongi pulled me down to kiss my neck. "Hes with the guys right now. You went into littlespace." I tilted my head in confusion at that. Did I do something to him? "I-I didnt do anything right?" I said looking up at him. I couldnt have. "No? Are you asking if you harmed him?" He said cupping my face. Its a reasonable fear, I can get too excited in littlespace. "You would never. Okay? You voiced that you were feeling left out. So I had the guys pick him up so we can spend time together." I nodded in understanding leaning into his touch.

I laid there just thinking about things and about today. Sometimes I feel bad for Yoongi. He does so much. What do I do for him? "Why the pout?" I heard Yoongi say bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see him looking down at me. "Its nothing." I said climbing out of the bed going to the kitchen. "It doesnt seem like nothing Min." Yoongi said as he leaned against the counter. "I just feel bad. You do all these things for me. Buy me so many stuff. I just feel like you do more than I do for you. A-And I dont think thats fair. I feel like I dont do anything." I said before Yoongi was now standing in front of me. A stern look on his face. "And who told you this? Because I swear if that bitch messaged y-." He started to say but I stopped him saying it wasnt her.

He grabbed my hand leading me back to the room again. I sat down waiting for him to do the same. "I wake up every morning with a smile on my face. Because I have you. Also because you have this cute pout on your face when you sleep. I come home to food on the table, a hug and kiss waiting for me. And when I come home from visiting other Mafia members, you do everything to help me relax. You take care of our Son. You take care of me. You do so many things for me. I do all the things I do for you because I want to. Not because I feel forced, I love you Jimin. You mean so much to me sweetheart." He said peppering my face with kisses. He continued whispering sweet nothings until he fell asleep.

He always looked so adorable sleeping. I moved out of his arms to get us some dinner going. I thought back on my life so far and it has been pretty great. "You look very domestic right now.  I love it." I heard Yongi say as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned into him as he trailed kisses along my neck and shoulder. "I got you something today. Hold on." I went into our room to see him pull this little box out. Wait. Its not that is it? Oh my. "I think gold would look pretty on you. So I saw this necklace and it was perfect." It was this beautiful gold necklace that had a little gold ball attached to it. "I love it. Its beautiful Hyung." I said handing him the necklace to help put it on. I leaned forward as he got the necklace on me. He gave my cheek a kiss before moving back to look at me. "Beautiful. Just like my baby." He said pulling me onto his lap. He connected our lips together before we finally went and had dinner.


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