Chapter Twenty Two

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-Yoongis POV-

I woke up earlier than Jimin and I took the opportunity to admire his beauty. Even in his sleep hes beautiful. I leaned down to kiss his cheek, then his other cheek. Then I couldnt help myself but to kiss all over his face. "D-Daddy tickles." I stopped admiring the pout that formed on his face. Hes such a cutie. "Hey little bug." I said to him as his eyes began to open up. "Daddy 'm not a bug. M-Minnie a boy." He whined cutely as he rubbed his face against my chest. "Ah your right. Im sorry baby. How about bub? Does that sound nice?" I asked as he pressed his fingers to his lips in thought.

He shook his head with a big smile on his face. "Not bub? Okay what then? Sweetheart? Prince?" I said and watched as his eyes lit up. "Minnie wan to be Daddys Pwince." I caressed his cheek as he literally smiled so wide. His eye smile that I love so much appeared and I pecked his cheek. "If your my Prince, what am I? Im your what?" He looked up at me before moving to sit on my lap. "M-Maybe Daddy can be my Pwince. A-And I can be Daddys P-Pwincess." The way he spoke showed he was slipping into his normal headspace. His sentences are much clearer. "Okay princess." He giggled and moved to lay beside me again. I held him close as he hummed a song to me.

It wasnt long before the humming stopped. I peaked at him to see he was awake but it looked as if he switched headspaces. "Hey Jiminie." I said quietly watching as he turned to face me. He moved forward pulling me into a kiss. Ill never say it out loud, but its pretty hot when he initiates the kiss. "Min? Lets go on a trip somewhere. Just the two of us." I suggested once we pulled apart. I brushed his hair back away from his eyes. He didnt say anything but moved closer to me draping his arm around me. "Where would we go?" I heard him mumble against chest. "Wherever you want. Our first anniversary is coming up, we can go wherever to celebrate it." I said burying my face against his neck.

I felt his hands in my hair and I adjusted to where we could lay comfortably. "How about that house we went to, when we werent getting along. I thought that place was nice." Jimin said and I agree. It was nice, its when we started to learn to like each other. Where I grew to like little Jimin. "Okay, lets plan on that." I said as I moved to give his neck a few kisses. "Hey guys? We made lunch if you want to come join us." I heard Jin say through the door. I glanced down at Jimin who was moving to get off the bed already. I followed him down the stairs where everyone was eating in the livingroom. I held onto his waist as he mad his plate of food.

-Jimins POV-

I would definitely be lying if I said that the way he holds me, doesnt affect me. It does! It makes me feel very giddy and warm when hes clingy like this. "Are you not going to eat?" I asked looking at him over my shoulder. He came closer wrapping his arms around me. "Just put an extra scoop of everything. We can share the plate." He said resting his chin on my shoulder. "I dont want to let go of you just yet." He mumbled and honestly I felt my cheeks heat up at that. He sat on the couch pulling me next to him. It was oddly domestic, even with the others in the room. He fed me as I fed him. "You done?" He asked after awhile. I nodded leaning in to peck his cheek.

He got up to take our stuff to the kitchen. I turned back to the movie that was playing, the others were so into it. "Things seem to be going great between you two." I looked over at Hoseok who was scooting over to me. I nodded giving him a smile, I turned to see Yoongi talking with Jungkook. When he looked at me he gave me a smile and a wink. "He makes me happy." I said to Hoseok who cooed pretty loudly. I was really happy. I didnt think our relationship with his self doubts would be this great. "Hey you." I turned back around to see Yoongi leaning down to scoop me onto his lap. He gave me a peck on my check before turning his attention to the movie.

Once the others went there seperate ways, Yoongi suggested we go for a walk. We decided to walk downtown. "Ah Mr. Min its so nice to see you and your brother again." One of the shop owner said as she smiled at us. Yoongi looked at me before lacing our fingers together. "Step brother and we are actually dating." He said proudly causing the shop owner to look at us weirdly. "Is that a problem, Mr. Choi?" Yoongi said taking a step towards the man who instantly shook his head. He apologized before moving back into his shop. "Dont worry about them Min, they wont bother you or us. I wont deny who you are to me." He said as he pulled me in for a kiss.

I felt secured. He held my hand giving me kisses no matter who was looking. "I want some ice cream." I said pulling him towards the ice cream shop. It still looks the same as when my Mom would bring me here. Im sure Yoongi remembers coming here too. "Want your usual?" He said from behind me. I nodded following him to the counter. "Oh hello Mr. Min and Mr. Park, its so nice to you both again." I bowed to Mrs. Kim, shes been here a long time. "Oh is this a date?" She said pointing at out her hands. I nodded making her smile at us. "Well, Mr. Min you be good to this boy. Dont mind those other folks out there. You run the city, do as you please." He nodded and paid for our ice cream.

I sometimes forget that he is a Mafia leader. Hes so soft and clingy, in a good way of course. "Jimin? You okay?" We were sitting at a park bench. "We use to come here alot, do you remember?" I said softly leaning against him. I felt him nod as he pulled me close. "I remember that one time you were trying to follow the ducks. Your were in littlespace at the time. I tried to keep an eye out just in case the ducks tried to chase you." I giggled at the memory of that day. He was moody about going and I was the complete opposite. "Min?" I looked up at him giving my attention. "Im sorry I mistreated you when we were younger." I smiled at him pulling him down for a kiss. He has no need to apologize to me, not anymore. "Im over it. We are better now." I said with another peck to his lips.



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