Chapter Thirty

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*Time Skip*

-Yoongis POV-

Its getting pretty close to our due date and the house remains on alert. Jimin is currently bed ridden now. I went back up to him with a new glass of water. "Love? Hey there." I said watching as his eyes fluttered open. I placed the cup down to grab the wet rag. His face and neck has been heating up today and I cant have him being sick. "I feel alittle better today." He said quietly with a slight smile. I helped him drink his water before grabbing him new set of clothes. "Ill get the bath running for you." I said before connecting our lips together. Once I started the waters I went to find one of the guys. "Hey Tae, can you do me a favor?" I said finding Taehyung staring into space. He nodded making his way over to me. "Im about to help bathe Jimin. And I was hoping you can help change our sheets? Please." I said as he nodded heading to the laundry room.

I helped Jimin out of bed and helped him get into the tub. I washed his back before telling him to lean back. "It still hasnt hit me that we meet him in a few weeks." He said as I washed his stomache. Of all the odd things I tend to enjoy, bathing him is one of those things. Its sweet and intimate, I like being this close to him. "Have you ever wondered about what he will look like?" I asked tilting his head back to give it a wash. He just looked too adorable, so I gave him a quick peck. "Sometimes I think of him having your eyes. Maybe my bone structure. If he is a mixture of us, I think it would be interesting. Our features are so different." He said as I helped him out of the tub. He had a point, it would be interesting to see. We went to the room and we just cuddled until he fell asleep.

I gave him a peck on the cheek before climbing out of the bed. I set the baby moniter up before heading downstairs. "Hey Hyung. How is he doing?" Hoseok said as I sat at the table with the others. I grabbed a slice of pizza talking with the others. "H-Hyung? Hyung my water. H-Hes uh hes coming!" We all jumped at the sudden announcement. "Tae get his bag. Jungkook the clothes. Ill get the car started." I heard Jin say as Namjoon and I ran up to the room. "Hyung." I saw the sheets were alittle damp and we pulled him up. "Your going to be okay. Lets get you to the car." I said pecking his lips. We got him to the car safely and we drove to the hospital. "Just breathe baby. Everything is going to be okay." I said comforting him as he started to cry abit.

There was so much going on, so much that made me worry. Jimins screams and cries, and I couldnt take it from him. I had to watch him feel the pain. I held his hand as he went through the process. And it felt like everything stood still the second we heard our Sons cries. "Hes so beautiful." I said handing him to Jimin to hold. I leaned down to connect our lips together. He was perfect. "Look at his hands. Its so tiny and cute." I said as we just admired our beautiful Son. "Excuse me, your party is wanting to come inside. Is that okay with you?" The nurse said and I could see the others waving at us. I pecked Jimins head signalling the others to come inside. Jimin looked exhausted but he still managed to look so beautiful. "Everyone met the new addition to the family. Min Jaehyun." I said giving his cute little head a kiss.

Gosh I cant describe how much I love him. Its only been 10 minutes and I am so obsessed already. I gave Jin the baby before turning to Jimin. "You did so well. I love you so much." I said peppering his face with kisses. "I love you too. Can I hold him again?" I nodded giving his hands a kiss. I turned and Jungkook walked over handing Jimin our Son. "Hey we are going to head home. Should we bring you dinner?" I turned to Jimin to see he was starting to fall asleep. "Maybe later. He should sleep now. Ill call if we need something." Namjoon nodded and they said their goodbyes. I grabbed Jaehyun and went to find a nurse. "Excuse me. Can we get a bed for our Son brought to the room?" The lady nodded and I went back to Jimin. Jaehyun was awake still and I sat beside Jimin on the bed.

After settling Jaehyun into the bed brought in for him, I climbed into the bed with Jimin. "How are you feeling?" I asked brushing his hair back. He snuggled closer to me as he let out a sigh. "Happy. So happy we finally met him. And he is so beautiful." I grabbed his hands giving it a quick peck. "His hands and feet are so adorable." He said as he moved to the edge of the bed. Jaehyun was sound asleep and I just watched Jimin admire him. "Love?" I said moving to sit beside him. He turned slightly to lean against me. "Try to rest. You need it after all of that." I said giving his neck a kiss. He nodded leaning to give Jaehyun a kiss first.

-Jimins POV-

I got myself changed to be able to leave today. Im ready to be back in bed and to bring our Son home. "Everyone! We're home." Yoongi called out as he placed my bag down. I walked into the livingroom to see Namjoon and Taehyung making out. "Mm oh Jimin." Namjoon said once he pulled away causing me to giggle. I sat beside Taehyung who gladly took Jaehyun from me. "Hes so cute! His eyes are so squinty." Taehyung said as Jaehyun just stared blankly at him. I think thats the sign he is going to have Yoongis eyes. "Hi cutie. Yeah you know your Daddy huh?" I cooed as Jaehyun stared at me. I carried him up to find Yoongi. I could hear tapping noises come from our room. "Oh hun. You shouldve told me, I could help." I said placing Jaehyun down on the bed.

After making sure he was safe I knelt down to where Yoongi was. He was currently making a baby crib. "Can you let me spoil you? Jeez." He said as he pulled me down to peck my lips. I moved to give him another kiss before helping him. I swear he gets adorable everyday. I cant believe I was ever afraid of him. "You complain that you want to help. But your just sitting there staring at me." He scolded poking me with one of the pieces to the crib. With some distractions we completed it and it was just the perfect size for him. "And here is your new bed." Yoongi said as he set Jaehyun down in it. He laid there quietly for abit before he started to cry. "Okay okay come here." He said picking him back up. I guess it will take abit longer to get him use to it. But our baby is here, and we couldnt be happier.


Baby Jaehyun is here💜❤💜❤💜❤💜


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