Chapter Twenty Six

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-Jimins POV-

Confused, scared and insecure. Those were some of the emotions I have rattling around. I dont know what to do with this information now. What would Yoongi do? Will he freak out? "Your body is in a way, adjusting. Adjusting to the changes going on with it." The words still clear in my head. Words I never thought I would hear. "Well with what you said concerning your unprotected sex. And how pretty common this actually is. You are carrying a child, your about 4 weeks pregnant. Is the other Father in the picture?" Men can be pregnant. I mean that makes no sense to me! All the sickness and cravings were signs that Im pregnant. I cant wrap my head around this.

I walked over to Jin and Jisoo as tears filled my eyes. What will Yoongi do? How will he react to this? What if he leaves? Or kicks me out for being a freak? "Whats the matter Min?" Jin said bringing me into his arms. What do I do? I dont think I can handle this without him. I dont think I can handle him walking away. They led me to the car as I just cried. I couldnt bring myself to say the words to them. "Hun, talk to me. Whats going on?" Jisoo said sweetly as I sat on the couch with her. "H-He might l-leave me Noona. I-I cant." I could feel her run her fingers through my hair. "Theres nothing that could make him do that." She said before I heard the door close.

It was quiet for a bit before I saw a familiar figure crouch in front of me. "Whats wrong baby?" Yoongi said softly as he wiped my tears away. I cant. I cant see him right now. Im scared to have this talk. "Wait Jimin!" I heard him say as I jogged up the stairs. Is running bad to do when your pregnant? Oh goodness Im already off to a bad start. "Baby, why did you run off?" Yoongi said as he turned me to face him. "You saw the doctor today right?" I nodded as I melted into his arms. It was never hard to feel protected in his arms. "What about the situation you had to take care of?" I said against his neck. "Your more important. The others can handle it." I smiled at that holding him closer. This is something I love. Being in his arms, being with him. Im scared Im going to lose this.

Silence. He looked at me with a soft expression. I just laid there staring back at him. I cant avoid the topic, hes going to ask again. "Talk to me. Whats going on?" He said breaking the silence I created. Goodness. "Will you stay with me?" I said to him as I tried to prepare myself for this. "What? Im in bed with you, where will I go?" He said leaning in to peck my nose. "Hyung, I have to tell you something. Something I found out today." I said holding him in place. I looked up to see his expression didnt change. "Are you sick? Because Ill get you the best doctors, the best medicines or whatever you need. You dont have to worry." He said resting his forehead against mine. "Hyung. Im not sick, what I had or have is morning sickness." I started to say seeing his face change a bit.

-Yoongis POV-

Morning sickness? Why does that sound familiar? "Im sorry." I looked down at him confused. I pecked his forehead brushing his hair back. "What for beautiful?" I asked seeing tears fill his eyes again. I quickly leaned down kissing his tears away. "Dont leave me." He whispered before saying something that took me by surprise. "Please. Please say something." I wasnt sure what to say to this. I moved away as I was still in shock. I could hear him crying still as he tugged on me. "I-I dont even know what to say." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. I turned back to him seeing his tear stained cheeks. I reached over to wipe his cheeks. "How far along are you?" I lifted his shirt abit looking at his stomach. I couldnt help but feel proud.

Jimin didnt respond right away as he just stared at me. I leaned down to peck his stomach then his cheek. "4 weeks. Hyung? Are you not angry?" Jimin said as he sat up. I tilted my head at that. "Baby, Im not angry. Im far from it. Confused, but not angry. Dont think like that, okay?" I said rubbing his stomach gently. Ive always loved how his skin felt, so soft. "How do you feel about it?" I asked as I pulled him back down to lay with me. "Scared. But I feel happy that this is happening." I nodded in understanding brushing his hair back. "We have to do now before the baby gets here." I heard him say quietly and I couldnt agree more. So much to baby proof in this house. I watched as he started to fall asleep as I massaged his sides.

Once he was fast asleep, I carefully moved out of the bed. I grabbed my phone to check if I had any messages from the others. I went down to see Jin and Jisoo cooking dinner. "Hey, how is he?" Jin asked as I sat at the counter. I dont even know where to start at. But I think its best to announce this together. "Hes okay. Hes sleeping right now." I said to them before I heard footsteps coming dowj the stairs. I turned to see Jimin wobble into the kitchen. I couldnt help but imagine how cute he would look with a belly. "Did you sleep well?" I pulled him close to me as he rested his head against my shoulder. "Yeah I did. But then I saw you were gone." He said with a cute pout. I cant deny how much he affects me. How much my fondness grows for him. Hes effortlessly beautiful to me.

Once he was fed I carried him to our room. He was still craving sweets, so I ran to the store to grab him what he wanted. I guess this is a normal thing during pregnancy. Im fine with it, I would drive across Korea for whatever he needed. "Okay, I brought you a bag of chocolate kisses and some chips." I said as I climbed into bed. He instantly began eating the chocolates as he leaned into my side. I grabbed one bring it to his lips. He was perfect. "Mm thank you." He said as I gathered the trash up for him. "Anything for you. Whatever you need, Ill provide. I want you to be comfortable these next 9 months." I pressed a kiss to his forehead, then his lips. I also pressed a kiss to his stomach. I held him carefully as he drifted off to sleep. Im going to have a family with this beautiful human. I feel so lucky.



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