Chapter Thirty Four

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-Yoongis POV-

Jimin was out with some friends today and that gave me time to plan. Or time to go to the others for help. I walked into the house to see everyone was awake and in the living room. "Hyung is here!" Jungkook said before walking over to give me a hug. Which led the others to do the same. "Wheres Jimin and Jae at?" Taehyung asked once I was situated on the couch. I explained to them that they were out in Seoul today. "Guys I need your help. This is really important to me. I want to propose to Jimin." I said earning high pitch squeals and screams. "Its about fucking time. Jeez." Jin said louldy causing the others to laugh. Jin never fails to jump at the chance to scold me. This time its for taking too long to propose. When all the jokes were done they finally helped me plan out different ideas I could use. It has to be absolutely perfect. Jimin deserves the best of everything.

Jungkook gave me some places in Busan I can take Jimin to, since hes originally from there. He said he moved to Daegu with his Mom when he was 8 years old. I went home to see Jimin was already there waiting outside. We are trying to help Jaehyun learn to walk so thats what they are doing now. "Look whose home." He said as he picked Jae up to greet me. This is really a beautiful sight to come home to. My husband outside with our kids. Just beautiful. "How was your day?" I asked as I grabbed Jae from him. Hes getting so big and chubby. "It was fun. We went to the zoo and Jae had a blast. We should go together." He said as I led them back inside the house. "What did you do while we were gone?" He asked once I laid Jaehyun into his crib for a nap.

-Jimins POV-

I watched as his expression shifted a bit. "Mafia stuff. I was with the others just now." I smiled softly at his tired expression on his face. I gace him a quick peck on the cheek before his lips. "Trouble?" I asked quietly as I rested my head against his chest. "No not today. Just alittle tired I guess." I nodded pushing him to lay down on the bed. I walked over to our shelf looking for something. Its been awhile since I gave him a massage. "What are you doing love?" I heard Yoongi whine behind me. "You look alittle stressed, so I thought Id give you a massage." I said walking back over with the oil. Its a calming oil we bought while I was still pregnant. It helped me relax alot. "Your too good to me." He said as he pulled his shirt off. I leaned down connecting our lips and I could feel him smile against my lips.

I smiled down at him as he got situated for me to start. "You do so much for me. It would be wrong for me not to return the favor. You deserve the best too." I said honestly causing him to blush a bit. I gave his back a quick peck before pouring the oil on him. It was a comfortable silence as I massaged him. We did make small conversation though. And I love moments like this. We dont need to do much to feel close and happy. We just genuinely enjoy each others company alot. "Let me do you now." He said grabbing the oil from me. I nodded watching as reached forward tugging at my shirt. "Ive seen your abs multiple times but it still amazes me. Everytime." He said as he trailed kisses up to my chest. I dont think he intends to massage me the same way. I have no complaints. Its been awhile.

I watched as he pulled out to get us a wet rag. I laid there as he walked back in with a smile on his face. "So beautiful." He said softly as he wiped my front up. Have I mentioned how great he is at aftercare? Because hes amazing at it. Hes soft and kind. "Do you need any painkillers?" I shook my head pulling him down to lay beside me. "I love you Hyung. So much." I said quietly as silence took over. "I love you beautiful." I heard him say back softly. I could feel him rubbing circles into my back. "Hyung? Should we go get Jaehyun? I miss him now." I said sitting up to find my shirt. I climbed over him to find a new shirt and pants because the others are dirty. "Okay let me get my shirt." I turned to see him digging through his drawers to pull out a blue shirt. "I got that for you." I said walking over to him.

He pulls me towards him picking me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him to support myself. He walked us back to the bed placing me on it as he connected our lips. "Mm wait. J-Jaehyun. W-We cant just leave him there Hyung." I said in between kisses as I felt him lift my shirt up. "I got carried away. Sorry." He said with a soft smile. I sat up abit giving his cheek a quick peck. "Its fine, dont worry about it. Now lets go?" I said pulling him off the bed. I followed him out to the car but we stopped when Jins car pulled in. "We figured you were busy. So, we brought him." Yoongi grabbed him as we thanked the guys. "You get ready for bed. Ill take care of him." He said giving me a peck on the cheek. I nodded leaning in to peck Jaehyuns cheeks.

*time skip*

I woke the next morning to find alittle notecard on the pillow. "Read Me:)" It said in big letters. I flipped the card around to see more writing. "Good morning my love! Meet me at the park by the little coffee shop at 12. Also, Jaehyun is okay. Hes with Namjoon now. Ill see you soon beautiful." I giggled at the note feeling happy to see him. I always get my morning kisses, so Im happy to get my kisses soon. I checked the time to see it was almost 12. I jumped up to change into something nice to wear. Im assuming we are going on a date. If not, I still want to look good for him. The park wasnt too far away so I just walked there. I looked around to see Yoongi was actually ordering coffee. I walked over there and waited patiently for him to finish. "Hello Mr. Park. Its good to see you." The store owner said bowing to me. "Oh please, Jimin works fine for me." I said politely before he turned to look at Yoongi.

The mafia members are highly respected here. Which also means their significant others are too. "Oh no, I couldnt refer to you like that. Y-You are the leaders boyfriend. Please, I dont want to offend." I smiled at the guys honesty before wishing him well. "Everything okay over here?" Yoongi said as he approached us. The man bowed before making his way to the back again. "Its odd being refered to like that by old men." I said once we walked to the park. Yoongi only chuckled pulling me close to him. "It comes with the territory love. They respect me, so they respect you. Just like they with Jisoo. And when Jennie was around they respected her. Still respect her." I nodded in understanding, it still feels weird. But I accept it, this is my life now.

He led me down the block which led to his house. Well, old house I guess. "Come here." He said as he led me up the stairs. He brought me into his old room where it was decorated with flowers and candles. "Yoon?" I said turning to face him but my heart stopped when I saw him on his knees. "I know this isnt the most romantic place. But I thought it meant alot to do this here." He said softly and I could barely get myself to even mutter "Its okay." To him. "Park Jimin, you have made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. You make me happy and I cant express how much I freaking love you. But, I want to be able to spend forever telling you that, I will always love you. Jiminie, will you marry me?" I couldnt speak since I was too busy crying. So I just nodded causing him to shakily slip the ring on my finger.

I tugged at his collar signalling him to stand up. "Y-Yes. Yes I will marry you." I said before connecting our lips together. I could feel him smile into the kiss as he picked me up. "Took you long enough." I joked earning a soft chuckle from him. He pulled me to the bed where we laid down. "I love you Jimin. Min Jimin has a nice ring to it." He said in between kisses he left all over my face. "I love you Min Yoongi. With all my heart. I love you." I said moving to cup his face. "And I love you Min Jimin. And Ill always protect our family. Ill always protect you, my love." He said as we shared one last kiss. I am about to marry my best friend. My caregiver. My Fiance. My protector. My Min Yoongi. And we have forever together with our growing family.



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