Chapter Eight

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-Yoongis POV-

Currently we were doing our monthly deep clean of the house. I never liked deep clean days. It literally lasted all day because the guys spend more time goofing off then cleaning. "Okay Namjoon and Jungkook, you will clean the basement. Jin Hyung, Tae and Ho-." I started to say before Hoseok cut me off. "Why cant I be partnered with Jungkook? Hes my boyfriend." He said crossing his arms. The others all shared a knowing look before Jennie spoke up. "Last month you both decided to fuck instead of cleaning the basement. So to avoid any of that, we are seperating you both." She said causing us to laugh at that. Not a very good memory. I finished reading our assignments before we all broke off to get this started.

After gathering the cleaning supplies, Jimin and I made our way upstairs. "So where do we start?" He said placing the basket down. "First gather all the beddings and take those down to the girls first. Then we take down the luandry baskets. And then we tidy up the hallway area, use this to clean tge walls and the windows. Then vacuum. We should have the beddings back by then to make tge beds." I said earning a nod. "Okay, I can start on this side." Jimin said once we finished bring the laundry down. "So, I hear you have a date Friday." I said breaking the silence between the two of us. Im not sure what it was, but things felt awkward between us. I hope I didnt do something to upset him. "Y-Yeah, uh its not serious though. At least for me its not." I turned to face him feeling confused.

Why go on a date with someone your not interested in? "So is he not your type then?" He just shook his head. "He seems nice but I just dont feel a spark. But its good to get out there. Im tired of being the single one." He said with a smile. He has a point, it must be annoying with us couples. I hope he finds a guy that will take care of him. "Well when you find someone, be sure to tell him about me. That will stop from thinking of breaking your heart." I said earning a smile. I finished my side and went to start on the windows. "Hey! Jimin your bedding is done!" I heard Jisoo yell up to us. I assume Jimin went down since I heard the stairs creak. I moved to his room to do his windows when he came back up.

-Jimins POV-

I was able to set two of the beds up again before going to find a vacuum. I saw Yoongi in his room staring at a photo. "Its a photo taken at the wedding. My parents wedding. But I also have our parents wedding photo attached to it." I sat beside him. "Shes beautiful. Ive never heard you talk about her." His Mother was his mirror image, she had long brown hair. "I know. I was closer to her in a way. I mean its not long I didnt get along with my Dad. She just understood me better." He said with a soft smile. "Jimin?" I looked up at him acknowledging that I was listening. "Can I ask about your Dad? Why havent you talked about him?" He said and I wasnt too what to say. I never really thought about it. "Well. I never met him. Mom said he was in the military, died while she was still pregnant with me. I dont talk about him because there isnt much to say I guess." I said with a shrug laying back on the bed.

It was quiet. Kind of an awkward quiet, not sure why though. "You know, I regret being a dickhead to you. I shouldve been kinder, I shouldve been glad to share my Dad with you. Maybe this is the universes weird way of teaching me. We may not be blood brothers, but we are family. Your a Min, I should treat you like it. Our parents wouldve wanted that." He said and I felt my heart break just a bit. I dont want that. "Lets not complicate things. We have a good working relationship now, I think we should just leave it at that." I said quietly hoping to not upset him. Im more than fine being just friends with him. I dont want to think f him as a brother. It would just complicate things. "If thats what you want." He said before standing up and cleaning again.

*Time skip*

I was on my way home from that horrible date. He didnt even have the decency to bring me home. Jackass. I wiped my tears away before unlocking the door. "Jimin? Your back. How was it? Oh hey whats wrong?" Jin Hyung said approaching me bringing me into a hug. He pulled me into the living room where the others were sitting. "He was a jerk. Flirted with the waitress, ate off of my plate and he just left me there. I had to walk back on my own. Thats 6 blocks Hyung!" I explained as I saw Yoongi walk over to the couch I was on. "Whats his name?" He said sternly with a pretty angry face. "Jess. Its fine Hyung. Hes not worth it anyway. I just feel humilated. And hungry. Is there dinner left?" I asked turning to Jin Hyung who nodded pulling me into the kitchen.

I sat watching as he warmed up a plate for me. I wish things were different. I wish I met them differently. I wish I met Yoongi differently. Everyday I fall more and more and I get hit every time. "Here you go." I took it and ate while talking to Jin. "Any guy that fails to notice a diamond like you, isnt worth your tears. Or living." He said with a big smile and giggled at the ending comment. "Ill find a guy someday." I said sadly. We continued to talk until I finished my plate. We rejoined the others and I sat beside Taehyung. He wrapped an arm around me as we watched a movie, not after Namjoon came to sit on my other side. "You okay Min?" I heard Namjoon say and all barriers and attempts to keep little Minnie inside broke. "H-Hyungie?" I said looking at my Hyungs.


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