Chapter Nineteen

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A/n: Did you miss little Minnie? Lol also double update💜

-Yoongis POV-

I was having a really great nap. Keyword: was. I woke up to feeling my nose being poked. And the sound of small giggles. "Hyungie? Wakey pweese. Minnie hab so so much to tell you!" I heard Jimin whine as he rubbed his head against my chest. I smiled at his behavior and woke up to see him pouting. But soon he was smiling once he saw I was awake. "Hey baby." I said brushing his hair back. I told him the other day about the fact that we were dating now. He was very excited about it. Claiming he can now have 'kissies and huggies' at any time now. Im not sure, but I agreed to that. "H-Hyungie~." He whined as a blush grew on his cheeks. I loved how shy he would get at the new names I would call him.

I sat up bringing him onto my lap. I allowed him to tell me whatever he needed. But I would steal kisses from him mid sentence causing him to pout. "Hyungie n-no kissies." I smiled in response at the serious expression he had on. "You dont like my kissies?" I asked rubbing his sides. "Minnie wikes it. B-But Minnie twying to tawk." I nodded giving him one last kiss. I promised to behave so he can finish. He is very adorable and has gotten more clingy now that we are together. Which I dont mind, I enjoy taking care of him. But how does the question of being a caregiver work? Do I ask? Or am I asked? I would love to be his caregiver. But I dont know how its usually decided. Should I just ask him?

Once he was done explaining the drama of his stuffies, I figured it was a good time to ask. I told him what to do with his stuffies first. Because we want happy toys. "Minnie sweetheart? Can we talk about something?" I asked and he nodded cutely looking up at me. "How would you like it if I became your caregiver? Would you like that?" I asked nervously. But all the worries washed away when he attacked my face with kisses. "Weally!? Hyungie wan to be my Daddy!? Weally!? Oh 'm so so so happy!" He said with the biggest smile on his face. Then he made the biggest gasp noise. "I hab to go tell Kookie. Daddy come on!" He said pulling me from the bed. I watched as he ran down the stairs calling for Jungkook.

I made my way to see he was looking in the livingroom. "Minnie? Im in my room! Come up!" We heard Jungkook call out and he giggled pulling me up the stairs. I watched from the doorway as he climbed onto their bed. "Kookie! Hobi!" He said as he squished Jungkooks poor face together. "Baby, let go of his face." I said and he thankfully listened. "I hab a Daddy now! Yoonie is my Daddy now!" He squealed before running out the room again. "Finally you agreed to do it. Also, Im happy for you two." I nodded and made my way downstairs. I saw Jimin run up to Namjoon who was sprawled out on the couch. I watched happily as he ran around telling everyone.

Once he was done, he made grabby hands for me. I scooped him up and sat on the couch. He still had the biggest smile on his face. "D-Daddy?" He said quietly as he played with my collar. I tilted his chin up pecking his lips. "Yes baby?" I said causing him to smile so wide. "Daddy." He said over and over again. I answered each time and it seemed to make him happier. "Daddy? Can I go pway?" He said after awhile of us sitting there. I nodded and carried him up to his playroom. We decided to share my room and convert his into his playroom. I placed him on the bed as I got a blanket for him to sit on.

He even told each of his stuffies that I am his Daddy now. I felt very happy that he was happy about it. "Daddy? Kissies?" He said puckering his lips cutely at me. When he leaned in I dodged his kiss causing him to pout. He climbed onto my lap with a very cute determined look. He grabbed the side of my face but I surprised him. I flipped us over capturing his lips. "D-Daddy gib Minnie big boy kissies." He said shyly and I could die from the large amount of cuteness. I gave him another peck as he giggled. He snuggled up to me and he completely forgot about his stuffies. I carried him to our room as he kissed my cheeks repeatedly.

We laid in bed as he cuddled close to me. I think knowing Im his caregiver has given us a new closeness. I dont know if that makes sense. But hes definitely enjoying this addition to our relationship. "Dada?" He said and I looked down to see his eyes light up. "Hey baby." I cooed as he only giggled in response. "Is my baby happy?" I asked earing a nod. "Why? Can you tell me?" I asked as his cheeks grew alittle pink. "Minnie weally happy. I has a Daddy now. 'M happy that you are my Daddy. I pwomise to be weally good! A-And I wisten too!" He said and I agreed with him. I let him go to grab something from his room.

I laid there waiting for him but I guess he got distracted with something. I was about to pull out my phone when I heard a loud thud. "Daddy!" I jumped up at the sound of Jimins shaky voice. He was sitting there holding onto his arm. "Gots a owie Daddy." He sniffled and I gave him a quick peck before getting the first aid kit. "Daddy has to gib it kissies. Daddys kissies will hewp." He said with a serious expression on. "Oh yes. Ill make it better. Okay?" I cleaned the blood and placed a band aid on it. "Daddy kissies." I nodded and kissed at his band aid. He tugged on my sleeve and pointed at his lips. "Minnie did good. Wight?" He pointed out and honestly, who could say no?

I think I got this caregiver role covered. I really do love spending time with Jimin. Whether hes in his normal headspace or when hes feeling little. I love being with him. He makes me happy. I cant believe its nearly been a month since we became official. I want our first anniversary to be perfect. I wonder what we can do? What will make it special for him? Thats when my phone rang. 'Mrs. Kim'? What does Jennies mom want? "Hello?" I said answering the call. It definitely wasnt a call I was expecting to have. "Yoongi, its Jennie. I have to tell you something. Dont be angry with me." She said quietly and I got up to go into the hall.

"I-Im pregnant."

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