Chapter Thirty Two

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*Time skip*

-Yoongis POV-

I got up to see Jimin wasnt beside anymore. I looked over to see Jae was still sleeping soundly. Things have been weird lately between us. I cant put my finger on it, but he just seems off. We still kiss and cuddle but now its off. Is it me? I dont believe Ive done something wrong. I brushed the thoughts away and went to look for him. "Hey." I said wrapping my arms around his waist. He was cooking breakfast for us, still wesring my sweater. "Did you sleep well?" He said turning the stove down to face me. Its moments like this that I hold onto. When he looks at me without seeming awkward. "Of course. I had you beside me." I said pulling him in for a kiss. I gave him one more peck before allowing him space to cook. We are still settling into our new place. And its not far from the others, so thats a big plus for us. They are always popping in to visit us too.

We ate in comfortable silence as we cuddled on the couch. But it didnt last long when his phone went off. He got up and went into the other room as he usually does when his phone rings. I trust him. I really do but sometimes I cant help but feel insecure. Has he grown tired of me? Am I not trying hard enough? I quietly stood outside the door to hear what was going on. Why does he have to be so secrective? " cant keep calling like I said this has to stop. I mean it..." I moved away quickly hearing him walking towards the door. He walked back into the livingroom climbing onto my lap again. "Im tired." Was all he said as he buried his head into my neck. "Jimin? Can we talk?" I said hesitantly after awhile of silence. I felt him nod before moving to look at me properly. How do I say it without sounding like Im accusing him of something?

I pulled him closer to me as I pecked his forehead. I didnt want to think of losing him. "Hyung theres something I want to talk to you about. B-But you go first since you asked first." I felt as if my heart starting doing backflips. "Okay. I just wanted to talk. Im not sure how to put this. But are we okay? You seem distant sometimes." I said watching his expression soften. He leaned in pecking my lips but my cheeks starting to feel wet. He was crying. "Hey whats wrong?" I said quietly wiping his tears away. He turned reaching for his phone and showed me a text conversation. I felt my blood boil at what I saw. "Dont believe them. Dont you dare think I would think like this about you. And I know Jennie doesnt. I love you and I am proud to call you mine. Please believe me." I said trying to pull him closer to me.

I cant believe the nerve of some people. Calling him names without knowing or even understanding what happened. "Y-You dont think it makes me look desperate? W-We are step-brothers. I just feel like shit because its true. I never really considered Jennies feelings. M-Maybe they are ri-." I connected our lips together cutting him off. I will not allow him to think or feel this way. He means more than my words could ever describe. "You have considered her feelings. Many times. And no, if dating your step-brother makes you desperate. Then I am too. I initiated this whole thing, well Jennie technically did. Your not what she says you are. Your kind and you have a big heart. You are not a homewrecker either. They just see the pain and they fed off of that. Its lies Jimin." I said pressing kisses all over his face. I allowed him to voice all his worries and whatever he needed to say to me. I listened intently feeling my heart break a bit.

-Jimins POV-

I cuddled close to him just enjoying the warmth he provided me. I looked up to see he was already smiling down at me. "Im sorry." I said nuzzling my face into his neck. He always smelled like coconuts. "Sorry I let my own insecurities get in the way." He didnt respond but moved so I was underneath him. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before pecking my lips. "Mine." Kiss. "My angel." Kiss. "My little." Kiss. "My love." Kiss. "My Min Jimin." He said connecting our lips together. I felt my heart flutter at that. We never brought about that before and I dont know how to contain myself. "Yes Jimin. I intend to marry you and keep you by my side forever. If thats what you too, of course." I giggled at the feeling of his lips against my neck.

We had to pull apart sonce Jaehyun woke up crying. I gave him one more peck before heading to our little one. "Hi." I cooed picking him up and he stopped crying instantly. "Hm just like Daddy." I said pecking his nose. Yoongi would often whine or fake cry until I agreed to cuddle him. "Are you talking about me?" I heard Yoongi say as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Nope." I said turning to peck his cheeks. I am really lucky. I have a beautiful boyfriend and an equally beautiful Son. "We should give him a sibling. What do you say?" He said trailing kisses along my shoulder. "Mm sounds tempting. But my body needs more time to recover." I said placing Jae down to turn to face Yoongi completely. "Besides, we have forever. Right?" I said earning a big smile from him.

He pulled me in for a kiss before pulling into bed. I aid down and waited for him to finish tucking Jaehyun in nicely. "Isnt it funny how many things change? I mean we were estranged growing up. You were somewhat decent to me when I moved in and slowly you warmed up to me." I said once Yoongi settled himself on top of me. He didnt say anything but just gave me a kiss. I brushed his hair back as he laid there smiling up at me. "I love you. You know that right?" He said as he trailed kisses along my stomach. He moved to lay beside me pulling ny arm around him. "I love you too. My big baby." I said pecking his nose causing him to scrunch it up. Hes such an adorable guy when he wants to be. We stayed like this until we finally fell asleep.

The next morning I woke to see Yoongi was changing Jaehyuns diaper. And as odd as it sounds, it was a cute sight to see. I admired the faces he would make while doing it. "Lets wake Da-oh your up." I giggled at that watching him carefully lay beside me. He placed Jaehyun down to lay on his chest. "Hi Jae. Your getting cuter everyday." I grabbed onto his little hand giving it a kiss. And I couldve sworn he smiled. Just a quick one though. "What are you planning to do today?" He said as he pulled me close to them. If I could just lay like this forever, Id be happy. "I was actually going to go help Taemin today. Maybe get some practicing in for myself too." I said leaning up to kiss his cheeks. I feel better now and I do want to get back into dancing. "I can take you. Maybe take him for a walk afterwards?" I nodded liking the sound of that alot. Its going to be a good day.


Guys...this book is almost done 😭💜

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