Chapter Fourteen

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-Jimins POV-

It was pretty late at night and I was still awake. The events earlier still playing in my mind. Ive always wanted to know how it would feel to be kissed by him. But not like this, not when hes confused. It didnt feel natural, almost forced in a way. Which is why I made him leave. He probably doesnt even know why he did it and that just feels worse. Hes still in love with Jennie and I dont want him to do anything that could hurt me. Kissing me and not knowing why is hurtful. If he kissed me without the pain of his break up still fresh in his mind and was no longer in love, then maybe it could be different. Why is feelings so complicated? Whats going through his head? I closed my eyes trying to silence everything and get some sleep. Who knows what tomorrow will be like.

I woke the next morning feeling more exhausted and I have a headache. I started to turn over but nearly had a heartache. "What are you doing here!? Jeez. How long have you been laying there?" I said glaring at the figure beside me. "20 minutes I think. I didnt want to wake you." He said as he stared at the ceiling. "What do you want Yoongi?" I said rubbing my eyes. Its too early for this. "I want to talk. About yesterday. Im sorry I did it." He said and I sat up facing him. He did the same sitting next to me though. "You are just getting out of a 3 year relationship, doing things like what you did that fast, its not good. For you or the other person. You understand that right?" I said calmly because I figured its completely new to him. I get it.

We sat quietly for a minutes, both of us to just staring into space. "Why did you kiss me? Was there a reason for it?" I asked quietly feeling anxious to hear his answer. "Maybe you'll think its a dumb reason. But when Jennie broke up with me, it was because of you." He said catching me by surprise. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I didnt think the things I would do or say to you was more than me being the good big brother. I know we agreed we wont use the term 'brother' for us. But I wanted to make up for lost time. But the way I behave towards you I guess looks different to her and the others." Could it be true? Could he return my feelings? But I waited for him to continue if he needed to.

-Yoongis POV-

My heart was beating so fast, I didnt know what to say next to him. After spilling my guts out, embarassingly to him. Its very obviously out there now. I dont even know if he feels anything for me? I mean I made it clear I was unsure of my feelings, but does he like me? "Please say something." I said after feeling the silence was getting weird. "You want to try? Try what exactly?" I watched his face, he seemed nervous. "Well since Im being honest. I took time to really think about the last couple of months between us. I know how I feel when Im around you, yes I still dont know if I can call it 'having feelings for you' but I want to find out. Will you let me?" I asked taking his hand into mine. I felt like it was those moments in the movies, the suspense of waiting.

I hope I didnt fuck it up with him. "Can I suggest something? And dont get mad at me please." He said moving to face me, but he didnt let go of my hand. I guess thats a good sign. "I still stand by what I said earlier about you just getting out of a relationship. I dont know what you mean by letting you try, but it wont be good." He said quietly but I reached forward tilting his chin up to face me. "Its over Jimin. I want to move on. I-I want to do this." He just smiled at me in response. "I just dont want to end up falling deeper for you, just to be kicked to the curb. I want you to do whatever you need to do. Lets not add another person in just yet, focus on you right now." He said quietly. "Ill wait for you. When you realize without a doubt that you want to be with me, then we can talk. Ill wait." He said before leaning in to peck my cheek.

We sat in silence for a bit as we stayed in the same position. I do want to try for him, I want this to work. I want to figure this out with him. "So, can I still sleep with you? Or is that off the table for now?" I asked hesitantly because I actually like when he sleeps with me. Its calming to have someone there. "Uh I mean I cant control my little self from staying out of your bed so. We can still do that." I nodded in agreement that we will keep that the same. "So kissing is a no then?" I said fiddling with my fingers. I only kissed him once, but I like how his lips feel. "N-No. You can develop feelings just fine without kissing. Im get to take a shower. Bye." He said before running out the room. Here we go I guess.

I didnt expect our talk to go this well. I didnt expect him to say he has liked me for a few months now. I cant believe this is happening right now. I may or may not have feelings for my step brother. I climbed out of the bed and made my way downstairs. The others were already awake eating breakfast. "Hyung there more in the pot for you and Jimin." Hoseok said with a mouth full of food. I made my plate and took the open seat next to Taehyung. I listened as they talked about their plans for the week and from the sounds of it, the house is going to be empty. "Hey Jimin, come sit. Ill make your plate." I turned to see Jimin walk in and sit down beside me. "H-Hyungie? I baf m'self." He said with a big smile causing the others to laugh.

I ruffled his hair acknowledging that he did good. I fed him as Jungkook grabbed the towel to dry his hair. The morning continued as normal, Jimin brought his toys down to play as we watched a movie. "Hyungie?" I looked down to see Jimin crawling to where I sat. He pointed at my thigh and it took me a second to get what he wanted. I brought him onto my lap as he held his Chimmy close. "N-Nap pweese?" He whispered resting his head against my shoulder. "Want to go upstairs then?" I asked softly recieving a little nod. "Say bye bye to the others before I take you up." I said after explaining to the guys what was happening. "Bye bye Hyungies and Noona." He said cutely recieving waves in response. He was too adorable. I think this whole trying to try for him, is going to be easy.


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