Chapter Nine

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-Jimins POV-

I was in charge of watching the house while the guys dealt with a situation in Busan. I didnt mind it from time to time, its nice. It gives me time to think. I wish I could say I dont have feelings for Yoongi anymore, but that would be a lie. Ive gotten better at controlling myself when Im around him and Jennie. The girls have already gone up to bed so I made sure all the doors and windows were locked before going up to bed. I grabbed a few snacks before going up to my room. I changed into to some comfy when my phone started ringing. It was Yoongi. I sighed thinking about if I should answer that. "Hey." I said after deciding I should just answer it. I plopped onto the bed starting to open a chip bag. "Hey. I thought Id call to check on you." He said in a sleepy voice.

I chuckled at that moving to get comfy. "You always do. Im doing okay." I said earning a small laugh. "Yeah? What did you do today?" Times like this made it hard not to fall for him. His caring nature towards me has increased. And it makes things more difficult. "I went out with the girls to the movies. Watched some chick flick. Went into little space for a bit. And now Im just having a late snack. How about you?" I explained remembering the events of the day. It was quite boring honestly. "We met with the Busan and Seoul Mafias. They were in a disagreement about something. So we played peacemakers. Those two never got along well. Did I tell you they are both female mafias?" He said and I honestly couldnt keep all the mafias straight. He knew all of the mafias members by name.

We talked for a bit longer before he started to fall asleep. I told him to call Jennie but I doubt he will. He sounded exhausted. I laid there trying to relax my thoughts and fall asleep. I could hear the girls talking from down the hallway though. "...go to the beach! That would be so fun." I heard Jisoo say as I walked towards her room. "We should see if Jimin wants to tag along." I heard Jennie say and I lightly knocked on the door before pushing it open. "Did we wake you?" Jisoo said and I just shook my head. I joined them sitting on the floor. "Ah well we should get some sleep. You sure you want to stay here tomorrow?" Jennie asked and I just nodded. I would love the house to myself. Peace and quiet.

*Time skip*

I was currently making myself lunch when the house alarms went off. I quickly ran to get my phone as I scanned the outside. I didnt see anyone but the alarm was still ringing. I dialed Yoongis number as I ran to the basement. "H-Hyung? Help." I whispered into the phone as he answered. "Jimin? Whats wro-Tae stop that. Joon please turn the damn thing off! Jimin? You okay?" I heard Yoongi say along with hearing the others in the background. "S-Someones breaking in I think. Im in the basement though." I whispered. "Oh what? Oh no thats us. Taehyung input the wrong code and yeah. Sorry we scared you. Oh hold on Min, the cops are here. Ill see you in a bit." I shoved my phone into my pocket laughing at the situation. Poor Taehyung.

-Yoongis POV-

After getting the alarm shut off we finally were able to come inside. I just wented to go to bed and cuddle Jennie. "Jimin? Jen?" I called out and I could hear footsteps from the kitchen. I walked over assuming Id see them come up from the basement but I just saw Jimin come out. "Hey. You doing alright?" I asked walking over to pull him into a hug. "Yeah I thought I was going to be kidnapped for a second but Im okay." He said and we both laughed at that. I ruffled his hair before going up to my room. "Hyung! Can we order pizza?" Jungkook said as I past his room. "Yeah! Give them my card information. Ill be taking a nap." I called out before shutting the door. I plopped down onto my bed. I was only slightly disappointed Jennie wasnt here. I wanted to cuddle.

I stood up to go see if Jimin came up to his room, which to my luck he did. I sneaked up behind him ready to attack his sides. "Ahh! W-Wait stop! Hyung!" He burst out laughing as I tickled him. I picked him up as he laughed and dropped him onto the bed. "W-What was that for?" He said as his laughs died down. I shrugged before climbing onto the bed next to him. "Yah stop poking me." I whined before looking at him. He had a very conflicted face on, one I grew used to seeing alot. "Hi Minnie." I said softly watching his eyes light up. "Hi Yoonie." He said before hiding under the covers. "Aw where did you go? Yoonie wants to see you." I said tugging at the blanket. I heard him giggle before moving to hide himself more.

It was a normal occurence for him to do this after switching unexpectedly. It was cute. "M-Minnie shy." I heard him say as scooted towards me still covering himself up. "And why is Minnie being shy? Its just me here. Dont you want to see me?" I said as I started to fake cry. "H-Hyungie? What wong? Dun cwy." He said as I saw him poke his head out. And the cutest little pout formed on his face. "Minnie doesnt want to spend time with me." I said as I continued to fake cry. "No! Minnie wuvs to be wif Hyungie. I pwomise. Pweese dun cwy." He said as he climbed onto my lap hugging me. "Okay. Ill stop." I said smiling at his behavior. He was really adorable. "Can Minnie nap wif Hyungie? 'M tired." I nodded going to swith the light off for him. I may not be an official cargeiver to him, but I really do enjoy spending time with him like this.

The next day I got dressed to take Jimin to the gun range we would practice at occasionally. He wanted to learn how to use a gun for emergencies. "You ready Min?" I said peeking into his room. He was staring into his closet and I just invited myself to sit on his bed. "Oh yes. Sorry I was thinking." I nodded and waited for him to grab his phone and shoes. I honestly liked spending time with just Jimin, it gave us time to bond. He is pretty hilarious too, even when hes not trying to be. "Alright. This is it." I said pulling into the parking lot of the abandoned building. "Wait I thought it was like those places in the movies. You practice here?" He said looking at the place weirdly. "Come on slow poke." I called out to him as he ran after me. "Im not slow. You just didnt tell me the entrance was this way." He mumbled with a pout.

-Jimins POV-

I was watching him as he should me the gun and how to stand. I never knew how much I needed to have this image in my head. Yoongi holding a gun is pretty attractive. "C'mere. You try." I moved next to him as he handed me the gun. "Wait. Stand like this. And yeah." He said pulling me by my waist to position me. He moved my arms before moving away again. I gulped at the sudden touch trying to focus on what he was saying. "Nice. Now just aim more over there. For that wall." I nodded and took a shot. "Wow your a natural. How do you feel?" I felt my cheeks heat up at the praise before shrugging. "Uh I think I need a few more lessons before I can give an answer." He nodded before taking the gun back. "Come on. I want to show you something." He said grabbing my hand.

He took me up the stairway towards the back, still holding my hand. "Whats the marker for?" I asked as he took me into a back room. "Look at this. All of us, have shot at this wall. My Father and his mafia members and every Min before him. See?" He said pointing at an old writing. "Min Geum-Jae." It said and surrounding his bullet hole and name was 7 other names. "Are these men, the others dads too?" I said noticing the last names of the men. "Yeah. And this, Kim Jinyoung is Jisoos father." I nodded running my fingers across the names. "This is my members." He said pointing to the section next to his fathers. "Its a Daegu Mafia tradition for us to do it. I want you to do it." I turned to him in shock as he handed me the gun.

I took it turning to the wall. "Aim for right here. Or at least near our bullet holes." He said with a smile pulling me into position. I felt overwhelmed by all this, it felt like some sacred place. I felt special. "Okay, write your name." I nodded walking over to the wall. "You dont have to be apart of the mafia if you dont want to. But your apart of us, in other ways too." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Thank you for letting me." I said looking up at him. I noticed the lack of distance between us before moving back. Dont screw things up Jimin. He nodded turning back to look at the wall again. I really felt important to him, and apart of me tried not to smile at the fact that Jennies name wasnt on here. I really dont want to feel that way but in a way it made me feel happy. Goodness Im horrible.


Double update? ❤

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