Chapter Eighteen

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-Jimins POV-

"YOONMIN IS REAL!" Jungkook said before taking a seat again. I looked at Yoongi who was equally confused. "What the hell are you talking about Kook?" Yoongi said pulling me to sit at the table. "Its your ship name. Like a couple name. Thats what we came up with when Joon Hyung told us what he walked in on." He explained and I couldnt help but giggle. Yoongi shook his head at them before lacing our fingers together. We ate as they bombarded us with questions. But overall, they accepted our relationship. Which isnt too surprising to me. "So what are you guys doing today?" Jin asked as I helped him clean up. "Uh well we will have the place to ourselves apparently. So Im not sure, I didnt have plans so I guess we will just hang out here." I went into the livingroom where the others were.

I sat beside Yoongi draping my legs over his. He seems abit awkward but its to be expected. At least he welcomed this gesture. "Relax." I said rubbing his chest and I could feel him begin to relax alittle bit. "Sorry, Im trying." I pecked his cheek giving him a smile. We sat as the others played games around us. It was nice. I felt happy and Im happy we took this step. Once the others went there seperate ways I made my way up to my room. It needs to be clean, I didnt think I was this messy. I played some music and began to seperate my clothes. I was in the middle of hanging my clothes when Yoongi came into the room. I gave him a little smile as he made himself comfortable on my bed.

I turned around to put a pile away when I felt him behind me. I turned to see him awkwardly standing there. "What are you doing?" I asked brushing his hair back. "Uh I was just trying to decide if I should hold you or something." He said and I almost cooed at how cute he is when hes nervous. I  pecked his lips and brought him to sit on the bed. "We have only been together officially for 2 hours now. And I know you havent verballized it, but dont push yourself. You dont have to force yourself to be the most perfect gay guy for me so quickly. I know this is new to you and I wont push you. It will take time to get used to being with a guy. And dont be afraid to tell me when your uncomfortable. We can work through it together. And trust me, I want to help you if you want me to." He nodded but still looked upset.

He moved closer placing his head against mine. I could feel his other arm lightly rubbing mine. It felt cute and intimate. "I should be touchy with you, and no problem. Your mine and I just want to be more affecionate with you. But I just feel like its unnatural." I smiled at his complaint giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Again, only 2 hours. Plus your being touchy and affecionate right now. See? You just need to not overthink it. It will come naturally if you just go with the flow. You will be more natural that way. And again, Im not expecting you to be perfect right away." I said as he began to smile. He just needs to relax, hes thinking too hard about this whole thing.

-Yoongis POV-

I felt bad not feeling natural with him. I want to grab his hand or hold him by the waist easily. But hes right, just go with it. "Here, I have an idea. Anytime you see me, do the first thing that comes to your mind. Uh here close your eyes." I nodded closing my eyes. I felt him pull me up and lead me somewhere. I stumbled abit following his lead. But I knew I was on a bed. "Okay, now open your eyes and do whatever pops in your head." He said and I opened my eyes to see we were in my room. He was laying beneath me and I smiled at the sight. I moved myself closer, rubbing his cheek. I leaned forward pecking his lips before connecting them together. After a pretty heated makeout session I pulled away.

I kissed his cheeks as we both caught our breath. "Wow that was uh really good." He said and I couldnt help but blush. I nuzzled my head against neck giving it a few kisses. I could hear his breathing become shaky and I felt lost in the moment. It felt so intoxicating, having him this close and the intimacy. "Y-You okay?" I asked as I lifted myself up. I knew where we were heading and I wasnt ready for it. But I feel bad leaving him like this. "Y-Yeah I wasnt uh expecting this. Dont worry about it. Okay? Im fine." I gave an apologetic look as he got up to go take care his problem. Which leaves me to deal with mine. I must admit it was hot.

An hour later I went to his room after we both showered. I climbed into bed beside him pulling him close. "Would you be okay if I go to my class?" He said as he set hi phone down. I gave him a nod as he climbed off to change. I closed my eyes to give him privacy. It wasnt long before I felt his lips against mine. I pulled him down causing him to laugh. "See your getting better at this." He commented and I felt happy. He deserves to be cared for, to be kept happy. And I will be that guy for him. I know I have alot to get used to now but I want to make him happy. I took him to his class but stayed in the car. Taemin isnt a threat and I know that now.

-Jimins POV again-

I got inside and waited as he finished his class. He currently was helping a little kid with her shoes. He motioned me to take a seat inside as he ushered the kids out to their parents. "So, uh how long has that been happening?" He said once we were alone. I tilted my head at him feeling confused. "Your step-brother? How long have you two been 'trying things"? I felt my heart beat alittle fast. What if he judges me? What will happen now he knows? "I-Its not what you think Tae-." I started but he cut me off. "Now hold on for a sec. Look who you are talking to. I supported you when you came out. When you crossdressed, I supported you. Have I ever judged you cruelly? Ever?" He said with a stern expression. I shook my head earning a smile.

He pulled me towards the middle of the room. "If you are happy, thats all that matters. Besides hes not your brother, by blood. Its only by a paper. Now lets get started." I nodded feeling happy he accepted me. Which I should have known better, hes always been supportive of me. And I am happy, being with Yoongi makes me happy. Knowing he is mine and that he is trying for me is amazing. I hope I can make him happy and keep him that way. The thought of us, feels right. That there isnt anything wrong with us being together. Its only a paper. We can be happy.



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