Chapter Twenty Five

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-Yoongis POV-

Things have been getting better again between us. It took him awhile to get back to his normal self, but he did. And it felt good to have my baby back and he forgave me. "D-Daddy?" I turned at the sound of Jimins shaky voice. I motioned him to come into my office. Hes eyes were red and I gave his cheeks a kiss. "Whats the matter sweetheart?" I asked softly as he leaned into my chest. "M-Minnie tummy 'urts." He said with a big pout pointing at his stomach. I pulled him onto my lap and rubbed his stomach. "D-Dun Daddy. Mons'er gon be angwy." He said cutely as he held my hand in place. I laughed at his seriousness and picked him up to take him up to bed.

I placed him on the bed and sat beside him. I started to rub his stomach lightly again but he stopped me. He repeated his warning along with describing the 'monster' to me. Which consisted of cute sound effects and hand motions. "A-And it goes up wike bahh!" He said cutely and I figured he was desrcibing how vomiting works. I have an adorable baby. "Whoa, we need to get some medicine in you then. Fight the monster." I said earning a pouty nod. I leaned down pecking his nose earning a giggle. After his protests I came down to make him something to eat before he takes his medicine. "Hyung! Jimins throwing up!" I heard Tae call down to me. Jin who was in the kitchen told me to let him take care of his food.

I ran up to my bathroom to find Jimin sobbing by the toilet. Jungkook behind him rubbing his back. "Look who is here Min." Jungkook said to him causing him to look up at me. "D-Daddy mons'er." He whimpered as I sat beside him. I wrapped my arms around him trying to comfort him as he throw up again. It broke my heart because all I could do was sit here. I rubbed his back as he leaned over the toilet. Taehyung handed me a wet rag amd flushed the toilet before wiping his mouth with the rag. "Sh, I know baby. It will be over soon." I whispered as he cried into my chest. I carried him back to the bed were he snuggled into the pillows. I turned to see Jin come in with his soup and medicine.

Jimin looked up giving Jin a small wave before sitting up. He thankfully ate the soup with no arguments and waited patiently to take his medicine. "Daddy? Will you fight the mons'er too?" He said after I finished explaining what the medicine will do for him. He just looked so adorable and hopeful. "Yes baby. Daddy will protect you. Ill beat this monster up for hurting my baby." I said poking his nose. I held him close as I lightly rubbed his stomach. He babbled on to his stuffies that he brought in. I would give a few kisses as he played with his stuffies. But he was up again throwing up.

*Time skip*
-Jimins POV-

Its been a week and I still feel shit. And the worst part is that Yoongi and some the others are leaving for Busan. "Jin Hyung and Jisoo will stay to take care of you for me." He said as he was packing a bag for himself. He turned to me and pecked my forehead. "C-Call me please?" I said to him earning a smile. He connected our lips together before finally disappearing out the door. I now have a weird food craving along with the vomitting. Its an annoying combo to have. I made my way downstairs to find something to eat. But all we had was strawberries and peanut butter to snack on. I grabbed them both and plopped down on the couch to watch a movie.

As I sat there and ate my snack I instsntly missed Yoongi. I really hate these trips he has to take. I want him here cuddling me. I just wish I could stop vomiting so much. It hurts so much. Crap here we go. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I hate this. "Hey." I heard Jisoo say from behind me. I flushed the toilet turning to grab a rag from her. "We should see a doctor. See if its something serious." She said as she helped me up. I nodded since it couldnt hurt to be aware. I got dressed as they called to see if anyone was available on short notice. "Jimin? We will have to go tomorrow. So get some rest." I nodded and changed back into my sweats. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes hoping to take a nap.

I was almost about to sleep when my facetime notification went off. I grabbed my phone to see it was Yoongi calling me. I propped the phone up against the pillow. "Hey beautiful." Yoongi said once I answered. Never fails to put a smile on my face. "Hey. Are you in your apartment?" I asked as I noticed his background. "Yeah, Im with Jungkook right now. Hoseok is cooking us lunch." I nodded and I just wanted to admire his beauty. "You feeling okay? Have you thrown up yet?" He asked softly and I just nodded. I could see how this was affecting him and I just wanted to hold him. "We are going to the doctors tomorrow. Hopefully its nothing too serious that could kill me." I joked but was instantly stopped. "Dont say that. I dont know what I would do if I lost you." He said quietly.

We talked abit more, mainly being all mushy to each other. Which earned a groan from Jungkook in the background. "You guys have no regard for me. Gross." He laughed as he got up. I giggled at that feeling sorry for him. "Just sit on Hobis dick. That will cheer you up." Yoongi said as he stared at me. "Maybe I will. And I better not have any complaints." Jungkook said before waving at me. He is such a handful sometimes. He has a point though, hes always around during our moments. "I miss you." Yoongi said softly bringing me out of my thoughts. "I miss you too. But its only 3 days, right?" I said as a pout grew on my face. "If I was there, Id kiss that pout of yours." He said with a cheeky smile causing me to giggle.

We talked for what felt like hours about everything and nothing at the same time. "I should go. You look tired." Yoongi said after awhile of silence. I didnt want him to go. "Will you stay on until I fall asleep?" I asked with a pout. He cant resist the pout, it always works. "Okay, get ready for bed then sweetheart." I nodded and went to get my face washed and teeth brushed. I sat my phone up again as I got comfortable. "Good night beautiful." I heard him say as I closed my eyes. And I may have imagined it but I could have sworn I heard him say it. "I love you Minnie." Was the last thing I heard before sleep took over.



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