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"You know, if this was a school, I would gladly skip today's class

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"You know, if this was a school, I would gladly skip today's class." I heard Zach grumbled in front of me.

Malfoy — I mean, Scorpius on the other hand just snorted and rolled his eyes at his best mate.

"Wow Zach, have you heard us complain?" Monica piped in just as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yeah mate, yesterday's task was tiring as hell." Josh remarked earning a scoff from Zabini.

"Our punishment was tiring too." the Italian wizard complained.

I just rolled my eyes with that. Yeah tiring.

As if he didn't even use magic. What can be tiring about swishing and flicking a wand? But then again, only the four of us know that bit.

Before anyone could even retort, Ashley's voice was heard from the podium.

"After breakfast, I'm requesting all Troop Leaders to proceed up front for the next task."

And with that, my grey eyes landed at its identical pair. Me and Scorpius shared a look and shrugged.

Sounds like some task.

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