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"Well," Draco sighed as he stared down at their half baked creation, "We tried

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"Well," Draco sighed as he stared down at their half baked creation, "We tried."

Cassie on the other hand just laughed, looking at her father who was all covered in flour. An hour had passed by since she and Draco attempted to bake a cake.

"Are you sure this is how your mother taught you?" Draco asked as he took a small piece of damaged and not well baked banana cake, he scrunched his nose after he had a taste of it. "We didn't do a great job."

"She taught me how to bake this before I went to camp," Cassie sighed as a small smile formed on her lips. "She says her mother taught her how to bake and now she's handing the recipe to me. But," she paused letting out a chuckle, "—Baking isn't really my thing."

Draco chuckled at his daughter, "Let me guess, you didn't paid that much attention while you two were baking together, huh?"

"Not exactly," she smirked, "I just helped out so I can eat more."

"Ah," Draco laughed, "Reminds me of the time your mother attempted me to help her bake."

"Wait, what? You and Mum, baked?" Cassie asked with hopeful eyes as she grinned with the idea.

"Well she kinda did all the work, I was just there getting on her way. Probably just annoyed her a lot and helped myself with more servings after it was baked." Draco explained which made Cassie laugh and . . .

. . . unknowingly making his very own heart swell.

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