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"Oh no! I am late! Gosh dang it!"

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"Oh no! I am late! Gosh dang it!"

I jolted up as soon as I saw the time on my phone.

"It's 8:30! how the hell did I not hear that alarm go off? ugh!" I began running up and down of my apartment room. Grabbed that sandwich my boyfriend left for me and ran out while fixing up my blouse and hoisting up my bag.

"Mina? are you leaving already?" My neighbour uttered
"Yes auntie! love you bye!"
"Wait you forgot- oh never mind"

My name is Mina, Mina Miyoui. I am an independent 22 year old girl living in Seoul. The heart of Korea. Honestly I am not Korean at all. I am a Japanese. My parents- well, let's just say they weren't supportive of me at all. I wanted to be an artist, a singer, a dancer.. an entertainer! - at least i thought I would be..

"Hey Mina! running late again I see"  the pastry chef called out to me.

"Hey there Mr. Jones! Bye Mr. Jones!"
"You take care Mina!"
"Thank you!"

I waved as I ran without looking back at him. He knows how tardy I could be - "I really need to fix that" I sighed.

You see, I live alone.. My family lives in Japan. I forced myself to come to Korea when I passed the YG Entertainment Japan Audition. However, I was stuck in just being a trainee and a model of random commercials for at least 3 years. I thought leaving the company would benefit me and find another entertainment company that would help me get that opportunity but...- I was wrong. I ended up not getting a job in any entertainment company for- about another year. Karma is real.. so real, that i can feel it through my bones. I guess this is what I get leaving my family in the first place.


"Ms. Kellie.. I am here, I am so sor-"
"You are late Ms. Miyoui. Do you know what time it is?"
"Yes! I know.. I understand, I was just-"
"Enough excuses! Have you brought what I asked you for?"
"Y-yes Ma'am, I got it right here"

I handed over my portfolio and designs to her. I know this is only freelancing but I worked hard for those designs. Please tell me this enough.
She opened the folder and scanned through my designs and suggestions, her eyes twitched and her eyebrows furrowed. Oh great, she's looking at me with disappointment, can I please quit now? No.. Mina, you need to stay focused, she is a big deal designer! get your butt up!

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