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"Tzuyu? What are you doing?""I know

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"Tzuyu? What are you doing?"
"I know.. I know I am sorry.. I just had to go out, but then the paparazzi saw me go out and now I am being chased.."
"You do know JYP is on the other side right?" She squinted
"Yes! please! Can I enter YG with you for a few minutes till the heat die down?" He begged.
"You are not allowed in YG?!"
"Yes I am.. I am still an Idol!"
"Of JYP!?.."
"Come on.. do me this favor please.. I will leave before YG catches me. I promise!"
"He makes daily visits at 4pm.. Will you be-"
"Yes! Perfect!don't worry.. I will leave at the soonest.., please. I just need to ask Jihyo or Jeongyeon for the help."
"Fine.. First of all your paparazzi are just near that convenience store.. so.."
"oh geeze.. why did I even leave at this hour!"

"This is why we only leave at night time dofus!"
"Shut up! Are you gonna help me or not?!"

"Fine. Get rid of that sleeves."
"What?! no way!"
"Just get a new one! here wear my jacket.."
"This is a girl's ja-"
"Fine I won't help you.."
"Okay.. okay! fine!"

He rolled his eyes and threw is polo shirt onto the dumpster and began wearing Sana's leather jacket.

"aww! fits you well, you look cute!" Sana battered
"Let's get this over with.. I look ridiculous!"

Sana and Tzuyu began peaking at the corner and saw the paparazzi looking around. As soon as Sana walked she turned her back behind them and Tzuyu walked calmly with her. the paparazzi were staring at them.

"Put your hand over me.." Sana whispered
"what? no!"
"Just do it moron!"

Tzuyu rolled his eyes and followed Sana up the steep road into YG.

"hold it right-"
"He is my friend, he'll be out soon, I just needed to give him something."
"Very well.."

Sana and Tzuyu swiftly got passed the YG guard and brought him to the practice room.

"Now.. my members are in there practicing! please don't do anything funny to them!"

"I am a nice person.."
"sure you are.."

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