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by Raikku



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✨ A JeongMiChaeng  FanFiction ✨

Where in friendship would be tested by fate and destiny. Mina is caught in between two best friends, who somehow has different personalities, different interest and most of all— are of the opposite gender.❞



Coming Soon
On Hold


(>) About 'My Final Piece'  (◠‿<)

♕ English
♕ Switch Narrative
♕ Switch Point of Views
Profusely used Dialogues
♕ Typos and grammatical errors
Gender Bender
♕ Angst
♕ Smut
♕ Fluff
♕ Vulgar words
Completely Altered Universe



This book is categorized as a fan fiction that is created from a figment of reality. Characters that are stated in the book are not directly in relation to any actual events such as incidents, places, relationships and businesses. Any resemblances to scenes or actual events are purely coincidental or were taken from basis to alter. All events in the book are purely fictitious and are directly created from the author's imagination— Hence the word, "ALTERNATE UNIVERSE". 

Fandoms, Idols and ships are slightly altered and is created to match the plot of the story, some events are made basis from reality to match the universe's flow, with that being said— any thing else in the story is purely made from the the author's own imaginations or were gathered upon references of other's creations.


I Hope everyone would enjoy the story as I have enjoyed creating it. I am trying to make sure the story is presentable— Hence you'll notice the editing. Some chapters may not be edited, but I will definitely fix everything before ending the story.  Currently as we speak, I am in the middle of writing the story— so please bare with me.❞     — Raikku


Oh! I have finally created a twitter account! If you guys would want to follow me for no good reason cause I am sad.. HAHA — you can do so. ah.. right.. People had been addicted to twitter AUs for a while now.. and so have I— what's your insight if I start one?

Twitter — @ PenguMiChae


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