► ♪♫ 16 ♫♪ ◄

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"OY!" I smacked Jeongyeon's table "Where were you last night?!""uh? what's your problem Woman

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"OY!" I smacked Jeongyeon's table "Where were you last night?!"
"uh? what's your problem Woman.. It's 6:00 in the morning" he squinted and rubbed his ear in annoyance.
"Yeah, Everyone was waiting for you!"
"Why? I did not say-"
"yeah you did."
"Did I?"
"you are weird you know that?!"
"You are weird"
"Why do you care if I go or not, It's my decision." he rolled his eyes and began laying his head back at the table

This.. This obnoxious brat! I don't have time to think about his stupidity!  ugh. Whatever, from today on, I have to focus on all ICEY activities, since it is my first day on the Job.
Come to think of it, Chaeyoung.. She never went home last night. She said she had something to do, but... I wonder, if she's there in that club of hers again. I wonder if she'll come home tonight.. I still need to ask her what was wrong with her last night.

"You sure? let me-"
"I am fine.. you can stop worrying about me."

Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with her.. I never saw her scowl that much before, nor get mad at me enough for her to flick my hand.

"by the way, will you please bring your grim aura far away from me.. you're contagious."



He went back to his resting position, as he turned his face away from me. This guy.. he.. ugh.

"I like you. So stop crying"

I scoffed around and smacked both of my cheeks to forget about that.. that confession.. That's definitely a joke..and that's all. So annoying. He is definitely just fooling around with me.

Unexpectedly a hand landed flat on the wall caging me in between

"Look if you'll keep moping like that, i won't ever get my sleep Manager." I heard his voice from behind me as I turned aggressively
"What do you mean ME-"

Our faces were close to each other, he glared at me with his emotionless face as he cages me between his arms.

"Manager, do you still like Bambam" he asked monotonously- glaring at me
"why do you care?- get ready it's almost 7."

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