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"one of my- uh

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"one of my- uh.. editors, insists on dropping a couples news in two weeks time, I am afraid I should let you and JYP know about this."

"Uh- what news?"

"A news about you and Jeongyeon" JYP interrupted

"wait.. What?!"

"We've been following you and Jeongyeon around Ms. Miyoui, and we know that ICEY's Jeongyeon and you are dat-"

"no. no.no.? Yo-you must be mistaken, Jeongyeon and I-"
"I understand. This secrecy is between us, however, this is a huge story to intake and we are asking for JYP's confirmation to this-"
"There is no confirmation, nothing is goi-"

"Miss Miyoui.. if you may please see the captured photo, this is something you could not deny."

She dropped a photo down, of Me and Jeongyeon, holding hands by the downtown east- and together in the arcade.
"Miss Kim, this is out of context, Jeongyeon and I-"

"I forced her to come with me" Jeongyeon interrupted
"Excuse me"
"She was trying to stop me, you see, I was pulling her.- and you see from the photos and the games, we were merely playing, cause I was complaining of how bad she was"

"I-I see."
"So that photo is deemed useless unless you make use of that as a fake story."
"It does not explain how Miyoui-"
"Is my manager. She has the right to join me when I feel like I wanted to go out as part of her duty."
"Manager? I-Is this true JYP?"
"Ah- yes. She is- she is my newly hired manager. Contract and sealed too, with her employee ID"

"Ah I see. So my men-"
"Were wrong" Jeongyeon uttered

"I suggest to delete these photos at once- or I can call the authorities and report you as stalkers"
"We are sorry for the misunderstanding"
"You are welcome, now that you have confirmed it from all parties.. you are free to leave" he smiled politely and bowed

"Th-thank you for you time" she and her team left the office

Tzuyu and Jihyo sighed plopping their bodies over the sofa of JYP's office. JYP's eyes snapped onto the two boys.

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