► ♪♫ 34 ♫♪ ◄

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I stretched my arms about and once again the sun hit my eye directly– waking me up from my sleep

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I stretched my arms about and once again the sun hit my eye directly– waking me up from my sleep. I tried to move away from my position but somehow, someone ended up hugging me tightly.

'Ah.. Rose.. did we do it again last night.. I don't remember.. What happened'

Rose was somehow turned her back away from me, but surprisingly, her shirt was on this time.

'Okay! Good. So we didnt do it last night. But why does my head hurt..'

A soft moan escaped her lips, as she continued to rustle about the bed.

"R-Rose?– Are you awake?" She hummed in disagreement "okay? so I will leave and–" She held tighter onto my waist. "Anddd there goes you hugging me again" I chuckled.

'But a second.. It felt weird..'

"Rose?" She whined to stop

'Okay? i am not gonna bother you then.. geeze..'

"Okay.. It's hot.." she hugged even tighter "AHHHH ROOOSE! I-I cant b-brea–" she immediately pulled half her body over me with a scowl on her face. My eyes widened as soon as I noticed who it was.

"Can you please! Stop calling me Rose!"
"M-Mina? What are you–"
"We both slept together last night you idiot!"
"Ah.. I-I am sorry– did something.."
"No. nothing..You were drunk."
"I was?"
"We all are... but geeze.." she sighed and got up from her position "I really need to get used to you calling your roommate.. Rose"

"I-I didnt mean it Mina.."
"Whatever" she scoffed

'Wait.. why is she mad.. did i do something wrong?'

"Mina.. are you mad?"
"But you look like you–"

She launched towards me, pinning me by my head rest– she continued to scowl through me, piercing me with her stares.

"Don't dare.." she moved closer and pulled my collar "call me Rose.. ever again!" She immediately captured my lips once again. Her grip loosen and grabbed the sides of the head rest as she sat on top of me, moving aggressively.

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