► ♪♫ 14 ♫♪ ◄

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I.. just kissed her.. I can't believe that.. that I just kissed a friend!!
.. And what's worst.. I did it to her when she was asleep and defenseless! WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!

"Ah! Mina! Y-You're awake.." Mina groaned and sprawled her arms about
"Wooh.. that was a good sleep!" She grinned as she dropped down to my mattress to see me "Oh! Chaeyoung.. why does it look like you haven't gotten any sleep?" She looked closer and moved closer to me, I had to jolt away fast!
"uh.. yeah, I couldn't, my head was aching the whole night.." I grinned awkwardly
"Are you sure? let me see." She instantly moved her face closer to mine, feeling my forehead for any sign of heat.

Too close.. too close Minari..

"Well, you seemed fine, okay. let me heat up some soup for you." She smiled and stood from her place.

O-Okay.. I gotta forget it! come on! you kissed her in the bar! It's nothing! totally nothing!- ugh! but that was just me.. doing my job!! Why the fuck would you kiss her for no reason Chaeyoung! stupid! Stupid!

"are.. you okay?" Mina stared at me weirdly with one of her brows up.
"Y-yeah.. you know.. let me help you."
"uh. okay?- wait a sec what time is it?"
"Oh shoot! i am-"
"No worries, I told Tzuyu to reschedule it at 3:00 pm for you"
"You did? oh my thank you!" She pounced and hugged me lively. while here i am gonna die with her presence..

I moved my face away from her, trying to forget her presence, more like trying to forget what I did.

"uh? ARE YOU SURE.. you are okay?" Mina once again stared squinting her eyes at me.

Oh shit! I think she noticed.. uh, act dumb!

"who are you talking to?"


"huh. okay you're funny in the morning.. Is this what alcohol does to you?" she chuckled
"uh.. y-yeah. my head just hurts.."
"Don't worry, I got the cure for that. let me cook it first" she winked and left

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