► ♪♫ 2 ♫♪ ◄

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"MOMO! What the heck?!""Hiii Mina chan!" She hugged me as I let go of the bat"You guys

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"MOMO! What the heck?!"
"Hiii Mina chan!" She hugged me as I let go of the bat
"You guys.."

"Momo, you sure are late.." Sana crossed her arms
"I am sorry, My baggage took time from the claiming thingy... anyway, how are you two doing here?"
"We are doing fine- Here let me help."
"Thanks Mina- So can someone explain why is the weather so hot in here?"
"It's summer Momoring" Sana laughed "It is normal like that"

"Phew! It's normally hotter in Japan but this weather is fine.."
"Oh hey- Mina and I cooked something, let's go eat."
"ohh! So that's why you suddenly wanted to cook.."
"I thought you'd notice it Minari" Sana laughed

We began setting up the table and dropped Momo's baggage at the living room.

"Ha! now I get it why you did not want to practice with ThinkBlack today"
"ThinkBlack? What is that?" Momo asked
"Oh That's Sana's Idol group name, she's debuting next month."
"Hey! That is great!- How come you haven't debuted yet Minari?"
"Oh well.."
"She left YG Momoring"
"I just did not feel like I fit there at all.. but I am happy with what I have.. so don't worry.."
"Oh and yes.. she also has that hot loving boyfriend from Thailand too" Sana smirked
"Ew?! Did you just call him hot?"
"Is he not?" Sana wiggled her eyebrows up and down nudging onto me.

"Tell me Minari, have you two done it?"

The moment I heard her ask that question, my body had to burst out the juice I was drinking through my nose. and Hell! it hurts!

"Hey! Just spill it- but please not literally.. EW Mina!- and look... we've been friends for what- since we were 5?"
"YEAH! BUT NO! WHAT?! Why is this information important??"

We began laughing and started talking about how we were doing here in Seoul. We began catching up to our life's progress.

"Speaking of which? Wait a minute? Why are you here?"
"uh well..." Momo began to hesitate but she told us anyway "I am kind of fed up with all this fame you know?"
"The dance Machine.. doesn't like fame and got fed up of dancing..? classic" Sana scoffed
"No?! It's not the dancing, it's not the crowd.. It's not the fans.. Don't get me wrong I loved being a SPICE.. It's just.. something is missing.."
"and that would be?"
"Real people.."

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