► ♪♫ 13 ♫♪ ◄

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"E-Excuse me miss? You requested for me?" "Yes, i did

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"E-Excuse me miss? You requested for me?"
"Yes, i did."


"Hi.. Tora.." She smiled


"M-Mina! What are yo-"
"I came to visit you.."

When Chaeyoung raised her voice her co-hosts looked over her with a confused face. Chaeyoung immediately sat beside Mina and whispered, making the other hosts get back to whatever they are doing.

"Mina!.. this is not visiting me.."
"Why? I am here, I requested you did I not?"
"M-Mina.. you don't understand.. REQUESTING me is different from just VISITING me.."
"What do you-"

"Hello there! Is Tora making you feel uncomfortable?"
"N-Not re-"
"Say, you are a pretty lady, aren't you" The unknown girl walked over to her grabbing Mina on her chin. Chaeyoung's eyes widened and interrupted the two.

"Go away Seulgi, She is my customer" She stated
"yours? looks like she feels uncomfortable you know?" She snickered

"Say little girl, how bout you revoke Tora here, and come to me instead?" Seulgi smirked as she leans closer to Mina's face. Mina can almost feel her breathe onto her "I'll give your first time here a run for your-"

"Seulgi!" Chaeyoung pulled Mina over her and wrapped her arms around her "She's Mine." She stated once again with a scowl on her face.

Mina's eyes widened when she heard that deep serious voice from Chaeyoung as she remains around her arms.

"Geeze Chae.. a customer is just a customer.. you should not be protective about that?" She laughed
"But she is my customer right now.. stop leeching my customers Seulgi."
"Right, here I thought I'll get the new comer- Here. a kiss"

Seulgi immediately leaned over Mina attacking her once more, However Chaeyoung blocked the kiss before it lands onto Mina's lips.

"I already told you, she is mine!"
"Geeze Chae, Where is your sense of fun?" She scoffed "Whatever, have fun you two- oh! and Chaeyoung.. If you don't get her.. I will" She said with a smirk "Hey new girl, request for me next time, Host name: 'Bear' " She waved and continued to walk away.

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