► ♪♫ 3 ♫♪ ◄

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"Who is it?"
"Momo unnie.."
"oh?- hey Mina.. wassup? you don't look so hot?"
"Yeah.." I slugged off towards the couch and dropped my bag with a sigh
"everything okay?"
"I think.. Bambam is cheating on me.."
"What?! what made you say that?"
"My neighbor at work said.. we were.. doing it ALL NIGHT.. LAST NIGHT.."
"That's impossible.. you were here-.. oh.."

I plopped my body down in defeat and began tearing up. I really did not know what to do, I stayed with Bambam for 6 months now.. We have been dating for a year, but decided to live together 6 months ago.. I just can't believe it.. really..

"Mina.. you should talk it through with him.."
"Yeah? how can i face him?"
"Mina, you're the one being cheated on? why are you afraid to face him?"
"this is why you are easily fooled.."
"gee thanks.."
"I am serious! - you don't see me running around letting people take advantage of me do you?"
"Because you don't have anyone.."

"who said?! that is why I am here in Korea for her!"
"what did you just say?"
"uhhh- nothing" She began averting and walking away from the couch
"I thought you were here because you wanted a normal life?! and.. what? did I hear you say 'HER'?"
"Yeah.. her?.. a normal life.. with her?" she awkwardly smiled and shrugged
"Who is.. this HER you speak of?" I glared at her waiting for an answer.. i need to know.
"uh.. no one, nothing special?" she averted her eyes
"NO ONE!!!"
"SPILL THE TEA!!!" I moved towards her as she backs away. "MOMO!!"

"Okay! Okay! Her name is .. Dahyun.." I glared at her waiting for more of the detail "and.. well.. I met her.." she fidgeted
"What? Where have you met?"
"O-Online?" She awkwardly grinned and shrugged
"WHAT?!?? ARE YOU SURE??? IS SHE EVEN REAL?!?" I facepalmed myself anticipating for a better explanation "Please.. PLEASE TELL ME you have AT LEAST! Video called her?!?"
"Uhh.. teehee?" She grinned

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