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"Son Chaeyoung!" Mina shouted

"Eh.. M-Mina?

"M-Mina.. What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung stuttered walking closer to the latter
"Y-you.. you were just-"
"okay! come here.." Chaeyoung held her hand and covered her mouth as she pulled her out of the bar's back door.

Once they reached outside, Mina tried to get herself out of the little cub's grasps.


"u-uh.. Mina.. I can explain.."
"What were you doing here?"
"first. uh.. how did you know about this place?"
"That freaker!" She mumbled
"excuse me?"
"okay.. look.. this is my side job? well, somewhat? I earn at least a few grand from this.. you kn-"
"i don't care if you work in this place.. I just wanted to know that how come you never told me?"
"because! i did not want you or anyone else to worry about me.."
"Worried? why should I be-"
"Mina.. It's a club.. a hooker's club?" She raised one of her eyebrows up
"what?- it looks vintage to me.."
"Oh.. no.. you must be mistaken.."
"I don't belie-"
"you don't? okay here.." Chaeyoung held onto her hand and pulled her back inside the bar. "Now watch.. closely!"

She held Mina on her side as she points out girls with lingerie on and some girls wearing a suit and tie- most girls have their own concept while serving alcohol drinks to the women who are sitting on the sofas- who seems to be ordering certain girls for pleasure. Chaeyoung pointed at couples after couples making out in the open. Mina suddenly covered her eyes with both of her hands while slightly parting her fingers in between her eye sockets.

"What.. What is this?.." Mina stuttered looking blank as she watches the scene in front of her.

"This is a host club... for lesbians like me.. in simpler terms... a hooker's club for GIRLS. You basically request for the hosts you would want for the day or night, and do as much as you please as long as it is all above the belt. Once you reach below the belt, you will instantly be kicked.. and banned from the host club." Chaeyoung explained.

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