► ♪♫ 19 ♫♪ ◄

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"Anyway, that's enough for tonight! Let's get ba-"

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"Anyway, that's enough for tonight! Let's get ba-"

Chaeyoung immediately grabbed Mina's wrist stopping her from her leave

"Uh, it's a bond isnt it?- don't leave me hanging roommate." Chaeyoung smiled as she courageously leaned down onto Mina, pinning her on the door, recapturing her lips and continuing to where they stopped.


The kiss went deeper than it used to be, Chaeyoung felt as if they kissed the way they did at the bar for the very first time. Mina reciprocated the friendly kiss, and completed their Roommate bond to each other.

Mina then pulled out smiling, breathing and tapping onto the young cub's nose as she ruffled her hair.

"That's our Roommate bond?" Mina asked "it felt as If it was a client's bond." She laughed
"No it was different."
"How so."
"Because you are my roommate and one of my best friends.. yours is much more sincere.."

"Good answer my tiger!- now let's go,- are you drunk?"
"Y-your Tiger?- and No."
"Yes. Tora in Japanese means Tiger. Did you not know that?" she laughed
"Uh No.."
"Well now you do!- let's get going.."


The two roommates went out and returned back to Momo and Sana- just to find Dahyun covering her eyes- leaving finger holes for her to watch the scene of Momo and Sana kissing each other

"Dahyun" Chaeyoung laughed and her eyes widened
"Ch-Chae.." she turned with her not-so-covered eyes and her jaw dropped "What is happening here.."

"Ah! Well, these two are drunk alright" Mina laughed
"I-is this normal?.." Dahyun asked
"Yes.. sorry bout tha-"
"No! I like it. But.. Momo doesn't seem to hear me anymore." She stood up and walked closer to them "uh- g-girls?"

"No! Dahyun! i wouldn't-"
"-do that.. well, now you are caught-"

Momo and Sana dragged Dahyun in the middle, both hands of the girls traveled across her face and their kisses traveled through and from Dahyun's neck.

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