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The next day, Chaeyoung woke up around 4:00 am, planning to get ready for her setup for selling her paintings

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The next day, Chaeyoung woke up around 4:00 am, planning to get ready for her setup for selling her paintings. She sees Mina sleeping soundly below her with her faced in front of her.

"What a beauty.. in the morning" She mumbled to herself and smiled staring over the latter.
"Oh shoot.. It's 4:15.." She got out of her trance and began moving around. "Uh.. yeah, I'll just move without switching the lights on?"

Chaeyoung cooked, cleaned and fixed her stuff while Mina remained asleep the whole time she was fixing.
"Damn.. You could really sleep.. No wonder you are always late for work" She mumbled and smiled.

She saw Mina toss and turn revealing her beauty even though she is asleep. Chaeyoung dropped onto her knees and watched Mina closer.
"How.. could you maintain that eyelids of yours to be so perfectly in shape.. you face is just glistening white.." She thought to herself.

To her sense she did not even notice her hand traveling across Mina's soft skin. Mina moved and turned waking her up a bit and this caught Chaeyoung off guard as she jolted up.

"What the hell are you doing Chae! Snap! out! of ! It!" She hit herself and began going back to what she was doing.

Chaeyoung took a bath, served breakfast and began waking up Mina as it is already 5:30 in the morning. Mina did not bother as she stretched up her legs and sprawled her arms and continued to hug the pillow she had beside her.

"O..kay?- M-Mina.. Time to wake up?.."

Mina gave out a silent moan that escaped from her lips and tossed around..

"5 more Mins.." She said in a husky voice..

"Okay.. then.. let me give you another hour.." Chaeyoung chuckled and Mina hummed back to sleep. "cute.." Chaeyoung mumbled.

In 2 hours time Mina woke up sprawling her arms about and noticed the sun light from the ceiling.

"Oh no! It's Morning!" She said as she jolted up from her position
"Calm down Mina.. It's just 7:00" Chaeyoung chuckled sipping tea from the table "you seemed so calmed and relaxed while you are asleep.."
"i am sorry.."
"No it's okay.. I enjoyed sketching you.." Chaeyoung laughed
"Wait.. What?!- Give me that!"
"uh-uh! Go ahead and get ready or you'll be late for work!"
"Fine.." Mina pouted and left as she heard a small chuckled from the younger.

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