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"Auntie Min, that's not even funny." Minjae glares playfully at the woman holding a small child on her lap, laughing.

"Totally is! Noah shit himself after having Ice cream at school and I told him he's lactose intolerant and he cried!"

"That's not funny! I'm lactose intolerant! That stuff sucks." Minjae kicks his leg a little, frowning.

"Want some yogurt?" Jungkook says, sticking his head between the two, a teasing smile on his face. Taeoh who was on his shoulders leaned over and hit Minjae on the head.

"YOGURT!" He screams as Minjae pushes them both away, the two cackling like crazy.

"Please remind me why I let you all over so much?" Yoongi frowns coming into the room, scanning his living room and kitchen. Min, Aofie (pronounced like e(f/v)ie) , Minjae and Sujin were in the living room. The two talking on the couch and the youngest two asleep, baby to momma and Sujin leaning on Minjae. Taeoh, Jungkook and Min's other child, Noah were in the kitchen looking for a snack.

"Cause you like a busy and happy home." Jungkook yells from the kitchen with a bright smile, making Yoongi chuckle. He runs to him to plant a big kiss on Jungkook's lips.

"Groooossssss!" Minjae yells along with Taeoh , Noah just watching with a blush.

"I'll kiss my husband if i want!" Yoongi yells back playfully and kissing Jungkook once more for good measure.

Sujin moves a bit, frowning at the noise.

"Oppa, 'm sleepy." Sujin whines. Minjae laughs gently and turns to Min.

"I'll be back. She's tired and you know how she gets." He chuckles and Min nods with a smile.

"I hope my kids are as close as you two. Go ahead, by the time your down, my wife will be here to embarrass me." She giggles, playing with Aofie's hair.

"We all know you're the one who embarrasses her." He laughs as he cradled his sister as he stands. He marches to his room, ignoring the strain in his legs and arms to safely get his sister to bed.

She lever slept in her own room during the day. She preferred to sleep in Minjae's whenever the sun was still up. Sometime's she stays the night in there are hard days- for her or Minjae.

"You're almost 14, little one. Why don't you sleep in your own room?" He asks as he sets her down and lays next to her. She scoots closer, a pout on her skin.

"People are jealous I'm this close to you." She ignores his question.


"Because everyone's older brother is so mean to them. They don't want them around, yells at them, pushes them away... You still treat me like how we were as kids. Thank you, Oppa."

Minjae just nods and rests his chin on her hair, waiting for her to sleep. He always did this to make sure she was okay.

As a small child, she used to have Night terrors.

He thinks of her words, feeling a bit sad. He loved Sujin. But, sometimes when he was with her, he couldn't help but to think about how he wanted Minseo to look back at him.

He takes his phone our and from behind Sujin's head, he enters in HopeWorld.Org.

He made this organization a year ago with his uncle to help those around the world who need it. But on the top of every page was a number and a missing banner for his sister.

He still awaited that call.

After carefully slipping from his sisters clutch, he makes his way down. A familiar laugh is heard, and he races down to greet Min's wife.

"AUNT BEA!"He hugs her, making her topple a bit as she laughs. She hugs the tall teen and he giggles.

"You and Auntie Min are so small."

"But we'll still beat you." Min reminds him with a sweet smile as she burps Aofie.

"Taeoh, put the bug back outside before I call your father!" They hear Yoongi yell and a pitter patter of feet running outside.

"I will never understand his obsession with bugs." Bea shakes her head, her blonde, golden hair catching sun light.

"I got Noah a mantis one time and she let it go." Min mentions and Bea gasps, eyes wide and mortified.

"It was an accident!" She lightly hits Min, avoiding Aofie's head. Min giggles and pecks her cheek.

Minjae wonders how his sister is doing.

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