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"Mom!" Yoongi smiles and gives a hug to the elderly woman that opened the door.

"Yoongi, I swear. You get older and older." His mom shakes her head with a teasing smile.

"You have no room to talk."He teases back with a smile, a glint of happiness in his eyes.

It was always like this. It was out of good nature but it always made Jungkook and Minjae a little uneasy.

"Ah! My son." Yoongi's dad wheel chairs his way to the door.

Yoongi's parents both went into retirement when they had been in a car crash, resulting in his father being in a wheel chair. It was hard on them all, but his mom saw it as a way that the universe was telling them to rekindle what they had as a family before they get too old and pass.

"Hey dad." He smiles as he steps in, and leans down to hug and kiss him on the forehead. Minjae and Jungkook hug Yoongi's mom and say their hello, blushing at compliments that she threw at them. Some about Minjae's height. Some about Jungkook hitting the gym more.

"Oh," she shouts suddenly, "I have started the most lovely garden! You have to see it!" Yoongi's mom says with delight, pulling Yoongi to look at it.

"Yoongi, get out of a bed for a bit, babe. Minjae misses you." Jungkook shook him, kissing his cheeks as he tried to lure him out of bed. His eyes looked dead and he was deathly pale, his body had shrunken to its bones.

"C'mon, baby boy. I know it's hard, but we have another little one out there that we need to take care of. He misses his dad." Jungkook whispers, sitting on the carpet in front of Yoongi. He laid there emotionless, even as tears ran down his face.

"We can go get ice cream, or we can watch a movie in the living room." He suggests, wiping Yoongi's tears away. When he doesn't answer, Jungkook sighs and gives a disappointed nod. He gets up and pats Yoongi.

"I love you."

He still doesn't get an answer, and the silence weighs on his heart. He walked out, holding back tears. He didn't want to cry again; he won't cry again.

He spots a small Minjae at the end of the hall, carrying the papa bear and watching Jungkook with wide, wide eyes. He runs over and takes his hand. His lips were curved in determination as he pulls Jungkook along.

"Let's go, papa." He says rather loudly.

"Where are we going, bub?" Jungkook chuckles. They make it to the back door and Minjae gives him his big shoes and tried to put on his own. But, he puts it on the wrong foot so Jungkook helps him before shoving his own feet into his shoes.

"Garden. We need to visit the garden!" He yells with urgency. He runs outside with Jungkook walking fast behind him, smiling wide at how dramatic his little huffs of air was and his wobble when he runs, swinging his arms wilding like he's seen Jungkook do but a little less gracefully.

"Why do you want to visit here so bad?" Jungkook asks, smiling at Minho who dramatically falls to the ground.

"Uncle Jin said that the family garden is good. He told me and... and sister, that the garden is where family grow together. We grow like plants." He says and gets up. He pats the romain lettuce that grew there as he remembers the baby shower months before and recalled what his Uncle Jin said.

"We tend to hearts as we tend to earth. That's what uncle Jinnie says. You've been crying. So, I tend to your heart like I tend to plant."

Jungkook's heart swells as he heard wise and thoughtful words of the boy. His eyes fill with tears as a familiar ache fills him. He picks up Minjae and holds him close, kissing his cheek to show appreciation.

"Thank you, Minjae." He whispers. Minjae nads and pats both of his cheeks with a drum of his fingers.

"Papa, what does tend mean?"

The question sends Jungkook into hysterics. Minjae laughs a little, unsure what his papa was laughing at.

Meanwhile, Yoongi watches from bed as the two boys talk and start weeding the garden. He smiles gently as Minjae pulls one of their basil plants from the ground and starts crying as Jungkook yells out "no!". The resulted in Jungkook reassuring him that the plants fine and wipe the little tears on his face with his sleeve before teaching him how to plant it.

And in the first time in months, Yoongi finds himself gaining strength to get up. He changes , slides some shoes on and makes his way into the sunlight.

His heart needed some tending too.

"It's really been helping me and your father out too. He has his own container garden and he goes out there everyday and admires it. I have say, you're a genius for making us do this."

When did I get outside?

"O-oh. Yeah! No problem mom." He smiles as he looks out at the garden and the shelves of herbs.

"How's your garden?" She smiles gently, happy that he's snapped out of whatever memory that played behind his irises.

"Good. Minjae and Jungkook are the ones with the green thumbs. I just do what they tell me to do."

"Yeah, cause you kill our plants if you touch them." Minjae smiles as he steps outside with a cookie in both hands, nibbling in one. Yoongi can see his dad and Jungkook sitting at the table, talking to each other with wide smiles.

"Hey, you asked me to take care of your pansies when you were gone! You knew better!" He says dramatically.

"I thought I'd give you a chance." He shrugs, walking closer. He stands beside his grandmother, linking arms with her.

"How's my super star?" She pats his hand, happy that she's gotten to see him grow up as much as she did. Although it put a damper in their lives, she was happy the crash had happened. If not, she might not have been as close to her family as she is now.

"Fine. A little busy. I have a shoot I have to go to when I get back for a whole week in USA. While I'm down there, I'm meeting up with a sponsor for Hope World."

"Who would that be?"

"Some singer who's a bit older than me. Wants to 'make a change' and 'help the world', but will send her assistant to meet me and not herself. Told her I rather meet with her and not her assistant. I work with the pure of heart, not the shame seeking idols." He grumbles. His grandmother pats his hand once more and squeezes it.

"Your fathers' did an excellent job of raising you, dear." She smiles, praising the young boy.

"Thank you, Grandma." He smiles back, proud of himself and the ones behind his heart. His hand faintly reaches out to touch the lavender that grew wildly in containers.

Yoongi felt pride swell is his chest. His son, his little business man, was growing up so well.

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